Chapter 28

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{ Ariana's pov }

"Bro Y/n's girlfriend literally looks like you" Courtney said

"Show me" Njomza said

"I don't see it" I shrugged

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"I don't see it" I shrugged

"You really are blind because that's the same person" Vic said

{ Your pov }

"Hey Babe. I need to do something. I'll be back in like an hour" I told Bella and she nodded her head

"Okay" she said and I pecked her lips

I got inside my car, I finally had one and I had my own apartment too. I drove to my destinied address and pulled up. I knocked on the door and he opened it

"What the-"

I pushed him inside and slammed the door behind me. I punched him in the face really hard, he fell on the floor

"Fucking disgusting pig" I spat on his face through my ski mask

If anyone told me they did what I was doing, I'd think it was weird but I didn't give a shit. He hurt Ariana so I was going to hurt him too

"What the fuck?!" He yelled

It didn't even take me three minutes to beat him up until he was unconscious

"I thought I was gonna have more fun" I said leaving his house and getting inside my car

I drove back to my apartment and Bella was already waiting for me

"We need to talk" she said

"Why?" I asked

"What why?"

"Why are you breaking up?" I asked

"I see the way you look at her Y/n. Don't deny it. If it's not Ariana then it's someone else. But I know 100% I'm not the only one you think about. And I wasn't gonna say it but that's probably also the reason we didn't have sex. It's that other girl in your mind. And that's okay. But I don't want you to hold me back" she said

"Alright but I'm breaking up with you" I said

"What?" She asked

"I'm breaking up with you. It's over. No one breaks up with me" I said and she looked confused at me

"Okay. Bye" she said and I just waved at her before shutting the door after she left

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