Sign 1 Empty People Cannot Make You Full

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"Skyler!" Skyler's mother yelled at him from downstairs. He got up from his desk and looked down the stairs, "Yeah?"
"Get me some groceries, dear!" She yelled with some money in her hand.
He rolled his eyes at the back of his head as if thinking something, then nodded, "Yeah sure, after I finish this game,"

He closed the door and looked at the microscope before him. He texted Cyril, "Where are you? I want to show you something,"

. . .

As they hugged, Cyril dug his face into the curve of Tristian's collarbones, the light falling on his window glass dispersed into a tiny rainbow inside his room, lighting everything differently. Where their natural colours became unrecognisable, dusk is setting in, as the clock ticks cover the room, they just stay the way they are. 

Just stay...In this untouchable beautiful moment. Hug him tighter, feel this human warmth for its hard to come by, but when it does, it feels like receiving mail from a home you've never known. It's worth trading your solitude for a little love. Only a little, not a lot, because  Miss Loynaz says, a lot of love in itself is a kind of solitude.

"Cyril," Tristian looked at his neck, "You',"
"Hmm?" Cyril still had his eyes closed, "Thanks,"
"No, you're legit hot, dude!" He moved back and Cyril began glowing blue. Tristian stared with his mouth open and fell from the bed, "WHAT THE FUCK!"
Cyril's hair grew short again and his arms toned up, his legs stretched further, his shoulders became wider, the blue light coming from his back grew brighter and brighter until the whale moved slightly and everything glowed white, blinding Tristian for seconds.

He opened his eyes and looked at Cyril, who stood on his bed as a boy in his T-shirt and shorts. 
"Finally," He looked at his arms and then at Tristian, who was too amazed to say anything, "What the frick just happened?"
"...Fucking hell,"

. . .

Heart lay on her bed with her phone in her hands, Cyril hadn't checked her texts by then. She closed their messages and texted Glizzly instead, "She always seems so distant these days. We used to be so close a few months back,"
Cypher slyly kept some money from the cash on the dashboard into his pocket and looked at Glizzly who was checking his texts, "Maybe she's cheating on you," He typed.
"No way, Cyra isn't like that. She probably still got her cafe job!"

They talked while Cypher slowly peeped into Glizly's phone,
"You wanna meet up again tonight, Glizz?" She typed.
"Seems like you've developed quite an attachment to her," Cypher said, "Don't forget though, we got work tonight. There's gonna be a few traders in the town,"

"I know," He said and typed, "Yeh sure. Send me the time and venue, make it early, I gotta be somewhere after that,"
"Eight in the evening, let's get drinks! Woohoo!"

. . .

Cyril and Tristian sat beside each other, "So, you are girl and guy?" Tristain asked, breaking the awkward silence.
"I-...I kinda am,"
"I had heard of trans people but what you just did it was like a fairytale coming alive! Can you turn into a girl whenever you want?"
 "No, I can't control it. It ain't like I have had this power forever. It's been there only ever since I borrowed those shoes,"

"Shoes?" Tristian looked at him,
"Ballet shoes," Cyril looked back at him, "I wore them and turned into a girl, and since then, it seems to be moving back and forth,"
"Can I see them?"

While Tristian observed those shoes, Cyril checked his texts.
He looked at Skyler's text, "I'm at my place. What do you want to show me?" He typed.
"Wait, I'll come there. It will completely bewilder you!"
"Wow, exciting," Cyril typed and then looked at Heart's messages. He remembered how she did him wrong by dumping him without ever giving him any reason, but then he remembered, didn't he do the same to Glizzly?

Undercover Blue Riot (Transmigration)Where stories live. Discover now