002- megara + hercules

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tw: mentions of death and suicide.


the high school, the presence of curses was extremely thick. your palms grew sweaty in what you thought was excitement at the idea of a good fight.

however, it was actually your body's natural reaction to curses. all blessing users have a sixth sense for them. your body will create an uncomfortable reaction (i.e faster heartbeat, headache, ear ringing) to warn you of a curse's presence. the stronger, closer, or larger quantity of curses nearby, the more unbearable the reaction will be.

it could also come to the extent where the blessing user could become delusional and would do anything to stop the natural reaction.

this is why most 'blessings' end up killing themselves before they could be murdered by a curse.

this is why the previous and strongest blessing users of his era, your father, is no longer with us.

luckily, there are measures to prevent things from getting that bad. but it's not the perfect solution. not a cure.

the solution was a stick of gum, modified specifically for 'blessings'. you were down to your last one and didn't want to use it yet.

especially since you overheard your sensei talking about taking the gum away.

"i'll handle this." megumi said, pushing itadori out of the way.

"oh, no way! i might not know those two that well, but they are friends! i have to help!"

he looked back at itadori with a cold glare. "you are staying here." he then turned to you. "and (y/n) is watching you."

megumi was always protective of you, regardless of his understanding that you were strong enough to protect yourself. to him, keeping you with itadori was just a precaution towards your reactions, hoping that you'd never come to your limit. but if he in fact needed help, he's definitely calling you into the ring.

before you could throw the usual joking insult of him being "sexist", he jumped over the fence and ran away.

"THAT'S NOT FAIR!" itadori yelled, banging the fence. similarly to megumi, you didn't react to his very expected outburst. as soon as his footsteps were out of earshot, you started to giggle.

"what's so funny?" he turned his head towards you, slightly offended at how you could laugh at a time like this. this made you laugh even more as he tried to fight his own smile at your contagious chuckling. sighing, you commenced your walk towards another side of the building in search of a different entry point.

but you stopped once you were shoulder to shoulder itadori. "you're so..." waving your hands in front of you as if you were conjuring a spell, you thought of the perfect word to describe his past few actions. "...cute." was the word you stuck with, poking his now red cheek with a finger and walking to your assumed destination.

he shook his head to get out of his daze. "where are you going?" his tone now a lot softer than before. your touch might have had something to do with it.

"come on, wonder boy." you waved. megara's nickname for hercules. it fitted him.

his slightly confused yet entranced "huh?" solidified the name.

glancing back, you engulfed your hands in blessed energy, smiling at his very shocked response. a smile that he had to pretend didn't make his heart do a little dance.

"let's go save your friends."


"so... how are we gonna do this?" itadori asked as soon as you stopped at the school's main entrance.

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