Part 15

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(Gene POV)

"I told you, just like Paul did, I don't know where girlfriend number one is." Eric replied, moved off of the bed and over to his suitcase.

"Oh bullshit, Singer. Tony already told me you pulled into the hospital just as he was leaving. So I'll ask you again where Y/N and why did you and Paul switch places?" Gene asked.

Gene crossed his arms in front of his chest, looking from his bandmate to Tony, waiting for one of them to give out more information. The bassist always made sure the tour manager was one step ahead of the rest of the guys and you to cover the older man's ass while he spent more time with Shannon. Eric grabbed a change of clothes and turned back to both of the men in his room.

"You will not bully me, Simmons. This happened: You didn't have the balls to go sit with your girlfriend like usual, so Paul went and stayed with her for six hours. He called me to come up and sit with Y/N for a bit while he came back here to rest after such a long day dealing with you and then the accident. Once they released her, Y/N said she was going to clear her head for a bit, and would see all of us today," Eric replied.

The bassist raised an eyebrow and turned back to the road manager, waiting for him to say what else he had noticed after the discharge. Tony shook his head at the bassist, giving the man a silent answer that he would not give up any information just yet. Eric continued toward the bathroom, before turning around and facing the two men again, waving his clothes around to give them the hint to leave.

"I have plans, gentlemen, and they aren't to sit here and help you find someone that apparently doesn't want to be found. Go fuck Shannon, feed your fat face, or go bother Bruce. I don't care, just get the fuck out of my room!" the drummer yelled, pointing toward the door.

"Okay, I'll check on you later. Maybe we can grab lunch?" Gene asked.

Eric answered the bassist question by slamming the bathroom door, making Gene grin at the outburst. The slight movement from the corner of his eye caused the bassist to turn around to find Tony heading out of the room. Gene grabbed the man by his black t-shirt and pulled him back into the room with a disappointed look on his face. The road manager went to open his mouth but was quickly silenced until Eric turned on the water to the shower.

"Okay, we have about ten minutes to search through his stuff and see if there is anything that can help me find those two." Gene said, moving to the small desk

"Boss, Eric just told you he knew nothing. I don't think your best friend is sleeping with your girlfriend. Paul may be an asshole but he's not one to jump into bed with someone girl, unlike you." Tony replied, opening the drawers to the dresser.

The two moved through the room, stopping momentarily to listen for Eric to shut the water off. Gene shuffled through the pile of paper scattered on the desk, cursing under his breath over how messed up his friend was. Spotting a piece of paper sticking out from under the phone base. He snapped his fingers to get Tony's attention and grabbed the note, seeing Paul's handwriting scribble across it. An address and phone number. Gene flicked the paper and then waved it in front of the younger man's face.

"Let me guess, you are going to make me go spy on those two to ease your mind. What am I going to get out of this?" Tony asked.

"I've always made sure you are taken care of, asshole. Let's go to my room and find out where this place is first before I send you off anywhere," Gene replied, walking toward the door.

Gene walked quickly down the hallway to his room, hearing Tony's heavy footsteps and breathing behind him. Shuffling through his pockets, he pulled out the room key, shoving it into the lock. The sound of light sobbing made the bassist turn to look at his winded friend behind him. Tony shrugged his shoulders and moved past Gene, going to check out who the noise was coming from first.

"It's just Shannon crying. Didn't I tell you to get out of here earlier? You know when it's a day off you're not supposed to be around," Tony snapped.

"Tony! There's no need to be a dick to her, we don't even know what happened yet, and those are rules you made, not me." Gene replied, walking around the corner

Shannon jumped out of bed and ran to the bassist, wrapping her arms around his neck, and sobbed. Gene awkwardly patted the woman's back and looked over at Tony for some kind of help. The younger man shook his head no and held up his hands to the other man. After a few minutes the woman pulled away, lightly wiping the tears from her face, as Gene took a seat on the bed waiting for some kind of explanation.

"I saw Paul at the elevator and tried to just make small talk with him since he is your best friend, Genie. When I asked him how he was feeling with Y/N being gone after the accident, Paul jerked my arm and pushed me against the wall, calling me all kinds of horrible names because of you and I being together. Does he not know how long we've been together or that you were going to break up with Y/N this morning?" Shannon asked, with tears falling again down her face.

"It's a little complicated, sweetheart," Gene said, before running his hand down his face.

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