Chapter 11

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After getting home from the bar Nya was relieved that everything went on without a hitch. They kicked off their shoes, got undressed, and went straight to bed. She laid there as her sister hugged her pretty tight. She stared at the ceiling as she thought about her birth parents. Who were they and why did they leave her? Was it by choice, or by force? Are they still alive and do they ever think about her? Will she ever know? She was just drifting into terrible memories from her days in foster care when Malina finally removes her hand and turns around. This was her shot.

She quietly gets off the bed and writes a note that said. "Because you deserve to be happy. I love you. I promise to call." She places it on the small kitchen table, grabs a few of her things, shoves it in a small bag, and closes the door so gently there was almost no sound of a click.

She wipes tears from her cheeks as she rushes into the night. She had no idea if or when she would ever see her sister again. She stops and glances back and thinks to herself that it was too painful. Staying would hurt so much less. But staying would be selfish. She picked up her feet and kept moving this time without looking back.

Her first stop was Watson. Lee promised she would get him out. She goes back to the cave and sees that he was put in a cell. "Maybe one day we'll meet again." She blows a kiss. She was torn to pieces but it was for the best. She couldn't be anything to him except weight to carry.

She looks at her phone. According to the map, there was a third exit that wasn't being used to get on and off the pack grounds. She was sure no one would be there and she could escape without being seen. She was wrong.

Using her phone's flashlight to guide her, she walks the path of a dirt road for over a mile when she comes within sight of large iron gates. The corners of her lips curl. It was a bittersweet moment. She was going to do life on her own no longer a burden to anyone but then she will forever miss her family.
Large mountain-like shoulders unexpectedly emerge from behind the shadows causing her smile to disappear.

"I had a feeling you would come here."

That voice had her insides rumbling. She inhales sharply. It was Alpha Vince. He steps into the moonlight with his brows arched together and arms crossed behind his back. "Alpha sir."

"What are you doing here, Nya?"

"I'm leaving sir."

"You know why this road isn't used?" He touches his forehead momentarily.

She scans around and comes back with "No sir."

"You think I would intentionally have a road so close to a cliff? I would think you would've been smart enough to realize that half of it is collapsed. But seeing as how you have a death wish I should expect no better.

"I don't sir."

"You don't? You must if you're leaving on your own. And with the issues you have."

"I..." She swallows. "That's exactly why I'm leaving. My issues should stay my issues. I'm doing this for my sister. Don't you want her to stay and marry you?"

For seconds his squinting glare beats down on her as if analyzing.

"You will heal her. You will take care of her won't you?" She persisted. "I know you think this is going to hurt her but this actually is for her best. I will call once I get settled. She can't spend her whole life worried about me."

He stayed fixated on her. She hoped his silence was understanding. If anyone should understand it's him. "I'll go far away and never come back." She curls hair behind her ears. "Let me by... please."

He presses his palm on his forehead abruptly.

"Are you okay?" Her hand extends instinctively but she slowly lets it fall to her side.

It was at that very moment that she suddenly felt a nudge on the back of her knee pushing her. She stumbles forward heading straight for him. He immediately reaches for her, latching his tight hold around her body.
She was stunned paralyzed for seconds caught in his deep dark orbs for eyes. His large biceps wrapped around her waist and back so snug that her breasts pressed onto his chest.

"Sorry." She tries to separate and he tightens his arm strength. Her eyes widened. He couldn't have done that on purpose. Within the second he let's go. It happened so quickly she didn't have time to analyze it.
She turns to see two wolves were behind. A dark and light brown one. One of them pushed her, she realized. "We're they" she pauses. "Following me?"

"Did you think we weren't going to know someone was sneaking around the grounds?"

"I'm sorry I just..."

"You're not leaving." He circles his fingers around her forearm.

It was like current flowing through her automatically and his grasp was so strong. She has never been held so securely. "But...Why?"

"You're coming with me." He takes her bag from her shoulder and looks at the wolves. "Bent, Anderson, get some sleep."

They turn and run off into the darkness.

The iron gates swing open. "Come on." He pulls her on the outside of the gate where his vehicle was waiting.

"Wait... hold on." She tries to plant her feet but he just lifts her off the ground and inserts her in the passenger seat. Like she had a chance in hell getting away from him.

He jumps in and drives off with a jerk of the truck he presses the gas so hard.

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