[14 - Reverse Flash]

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When we arrived back at S.T.A.R. Labs, we expected to see Barry lounging around, drinking a coke or something. Maybe even complaining about how slow we were on the walk back. But a part of me knew that wasn't going to happen. I recognized the look on his face when he went off to pursue the speedster. It showed anger and resentment, and if they were to fight, I knew Barry would hopelessly lose because of that anger. As talented as he is, he wasn't under control of himself.

Caitlin called him multiple times, seven, to be exact. But time after time, it resulted the same. He wasn't picking up and they didn't know what to do. Annabeth suggested that they track his phone and of course, Cisco grumbled at himself for not thinking of that sooner.

Before we knew it, Caitlin and Annabeth went off into the van to go track his phone, where it stated he wasn't moving in some random stadium a few miles away. And since Barry wasn't wearing his suit, none of us could track his vitals to make sure he was even alive, which made the suspense detestable.

Cisco and I waited here. And I honestly thought I was the impatient one out of the two of us. He paced the room more than a dozen times, muttering to himself. He knew Barry longer than I did and had a stronger bond, so it made sense he was more worried for our friend than I was.

After a tedious twenty minutes, they finally arrived. And what I expected when he came back, I wasn't sure. But it definitely wasn't this.

Barry laid there on a stretcher, muttering about how he was perfectly fine but Caitlin kept shushing him up so he was never able to finish his sentence. They rushed him into the med bay and Cisco and I followed them there hastily.

Barry seemed to be conscious but barely. And his body didn't say much better. When my eyes flickered across his face, my lips tense to a thin line. I noticed the scrape that burned his cheekbone and the dry blood that dripped from his temple. Caitlin immediately put on some Nitrile gloves and goes to examine Barry, (I forget she's a doctor sometimes), but he just shakes his head slowly. "No, no, guys, I'm fine."

He swings his legs over the side of the bed. And it seems like the mere seconds of being upright causes the gnawing pain in his body turns into bites. He groans, clutching his stomach and retreats back down to his original position.

"You're not fine, Barry Allen. You almost got yourself killed," Caitlin scolds like an angry mother. Barry retracts and looks to us with apologetic eyes.

"I'm sorry, I should've been able to defeat him. But he's fast, even faster than me. He beat me easily, like I was nothing but a fly buzzing in his face," he looks away, ashamed that he couldn't beat the speedster but Cisco just looks at him, agape. I guessed that he was going to give Barry some big pep talk about how he shouldn't blame himself for what happened, but before he could say anything, a certain Dr. Wells rolled in the room. Something I was not looking forward too.

"Now, what trouble did Barry get into this time?" He rolls near the med bay, his facial expressions were anything except unfazed. Which surprised me considering Barry's laying a few feet away with broken bones. But as I looked at him, he barely spared me a glance, as if the events that happened earlier had never happened. I was wondering on how this was going to play out.

"He tried to fight the other speedster and it seems like he broke a few ribs," Caitlin sighs, giving Barry death glances as she examined him. Every time she touched his torso area, he renounced in pain.

At this, Wells frowns, giving Barry an exasperated look. He, in response, rolled his eyes. "I had to try, Dr. Wells. And sure, I didn't realize what I was getting myself into. But I know now, he was the one who killed my mother. But the worst thing is, he acted like he knew me before! I'd get close and he'd just pull away."

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