{60}- Little Goat's Trauma | Liberator's Promise

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Note by A/N: Capella's backstory here is inspired by Prophellwinter's Raven-Black and Emerald-Green. If you notice any familiar parts, well, that's where you'll probably find it. Check out Prophell's work on fanfic.net as well, it's quite awesome, to say the least!

Also, I came across a fic (i think?) called Re: Kingdom, which seemed to be a large fic with a somewhat nice idea, but has been ditched (again, i think) for a long time. If it's not too much, if you guys have time can you plz review it since I have no time to read it? Thx!

P.S. Sorry for being a little busy (AND Lazy) for the past week.

Around 90 years Before Our Arrival...

Emerada Lugnica was born.

3rd Person POV

"Lady Emerada, your breakfast is ready." A knight, the princess's personal one, came over and knocked on her door.

"Go away, Hugo, I don't wanna get up yet! It's such a beautiful morning with warm weather, what is the problem with waking up a few minutes later?"

"Princess, your punctual manner is leaving you already..."

"And since when did you define my standards, Hugo?"

"I...fine. I'll wait until you wake up, Lady Emerada."

After her knight left her to her own businesses, she gave a slight squeal of delight before immediately opening her window to breathe in the fresh air. She twirled her feet and legs to give a slight dance as she glanced at her friend on the balcony.

"So, Emma, did it work?"

"Well, this beautiful lady definitely at least has the knack to drive my own knight away, Solace dear."

The boy sitting on the ledge of the balcony smiled, and took this chance to enter the room. Hugging his friend tightly since they hadn't seen each other in two weeks, this sign of affection between the two warmed their hearts.

This boy was named Solace Ars Goetia, or so he said. A person who, in his own words, came beyond the Great Waterfall. His stories often fascinated Emerada, who was but a mere caged bird compared to him, who could roam freely wherever he wanted to.

"How's the company coming along, darling?" Emerada asked, interest shining in her eyes.

"Ah, you mean Auriga? It's coming along quite nicely. I even got a headquarters set up in Banan already, so business should be booming when it starts, if it isn't already in our sub-stations."

Solace was a somewhat ambitious boy. He already created his own company due to his otherworldly knowledge, and sells insanely useful products with concepts never seen before, which attracts a nice amount of attention from merchants. Unfortunately, the methods he uses to produce them was not exactly approved by the nation, since when he revealed his power, it was frowned upon. The only reason he was even able to stay alive in the first place was because Emerada had supported his inventions.

At this precise moment, her door opened and closed so fast that it took the princess by surprise so much that she fell back onto her bed, startled. The one who entered so abruptly took one look at Solace and sighed.

"Should've known the one I sensed was ya, smart brat." Hugo said as he gave Solace a pat on the shoulder. "Be more careful next time when you're sneaking through the balcony, a maid saw you while you sat on the ledge, you know."

"Okay, okay, Hugo. Have you been taking good care of my Emma?"

"Your Emma... well, aside from her usual feistiness, she's been quite fine, if you ask me. Could do a little fixing with the attitude."

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