Page ten

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"Nonsens, we'll sort it out. Any friend of Harry's is a friend of mine. Get your books out" Slughorn turns back to the class but Harry interrupts him and he turns back around,"Uh,sorry,sir. I haven't actually go my book yet,and nor has Ron"

"Not to worry,get whatever you want from the cupboard," Slughorn turns back to us and walks along the table explaining that he had made some concoctions and he ask what they might me. Hermione's hand shoots up and Slughorn calls on her.

She answers Veritaserum but I've had enough experiences with that so I'll leave it to her to explain. I look over at Harry and Ron as a noise tumbles through the air. I look back at Hermione as she answers Polyjuice Potion,always too which I'm good without.

Slughorn stares at me and clears his throat. "Sorry,sir" I realise I was looking at Harry walking over. I walk up too the last Potion,"This is Amortentia,sir. It's the most powerful love potion in the world. It's rumoured to smell differently to each person according to what attracts them. For example,I smell..." I look at Harry who's walking to stand right beside me,"Freshly brewed coffee,broomstick wax and...blood" that was a weird one and I'm quickly met with a lot of stares,including one from Hermione.

"Now, Amortentia doesn't create actual love. That would be impossible. But it does cause a powerful infatuation or obsession" He drifts off as the group of girls beside me near the potion,slowly and carefully. Slughorn says something but Harry is in my ear,"Chocolate, rain and parchment" That's funny,that was my breakfast this morning,excluding the parchment. I wave him of as he snickers.

As I look back at Slughorn, he's holding a small vile with a golden liquid,"Liquid Luck" "Yes,Ms?" "Velonté,sir." "Yes,Ms Velonté. Liquid Luck. Desperately tricky to make, disastrous should you get it wrong. One sip and you'll find that all your endeavours succeed" I look at Harry,who seems interested but I also notice Malfoy's look,he seems more desperate.

"At least until the affects wear off" Slughorn laughs,"So,this is what I over each of you today. One tiny vile of Liquid Luck to the student who,in the hour that remains,manages to brew an acceptable draught of Living Death." He holds up the potion. He says where we could find the recipe for the draught and I slowly open my book and scan the pages the moment I get to my table and somehow Harry ends up next to. Like always. I don't mind. It's just thay he makes me a little nervous in classes. And not to lie but wherever Harry is,disaster strikes.

I go to page ten. I haven't even started reading before an object flies at my head. I narrowly catch it throw it back. People should take more care if their ingredients. I look over at Harry,who is crushing the bean instead of cutting it. I do the same. I'm not about to struggle with these things. Hermione scowls him and I go on with the recipe,deciding that I'm not going to give Harry any attention in this glass because I have to focus. Or whatever I'm telling myself not to run into his arms and admit my feelings.

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