Chapter 23 - I'm ready for my close up...not.

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Virgil's (PoV)

"You can't be serious. You can't go with these guys." James turned to look at the PA and then said in a whisper "they're scary as shit."

"Please don't, it can't be that important. You haven't been home for years why now. You're already starting to look like them." He was a little freaked out by my new clothes. I had to smile. He was right, I was doing the men in black thing too, but my version was way cooler.

When I walked in the front door James grabbed me in a huge hug. He had been waiting, not so patiently, for me to come home, his face looked haggard and it was obvious he'd had no sleep. The PA pushed our two man huddle further into the lounge room, accompanied by angry growling from Damien behind him. James stuck to my side like glue. The look on Damien's face was murderous. I'm not sure if he dislikes all humans or just James. He remained down stairs fuming while we went upstairs with Paul.

" I have to go home, family business problems." I was shoving underwear and anything else I thought I'd need into my backpack. "I've explained it all to Kevin, so just go along with me, cause I don't want him to worry. I will be back in a couple of days."

At that point The PA decided to pipe in, letting us know he could hear our conversation. "It will take about a week." I glared at him over James's shoulder. I'd wanted to soften the blow but apparently telling the truth was better. I also wanted Damien away from James as soon as possible. I truly hoped his threat was just him blustering.

"Fuck, seriously? Surely you can Zoom or something?" James sat down on the bed. He looked lost. "Who's the evil looking guy downstairs anyway. Your family business looks pretty shady if these guys are anything to go by. Thugs that drag people off in the middle of the night like in gangster movies. Especially that one downstairs, he acts like he owns you?"

"Virgil use to be mine." Came the growl from the door. We both jumped. "Are you going to be much longer? Our plane is waiting." James stared at Damien for a moment and then looked at me. Damien ignored James totally and tapped on his watch. He filled the entire door way. The perfect Lycan Alpha.

"But I thought I..." James's ego was the first to react but then the better man made an appearance. He stood up facing Damien across the small room. "In that case you didn't appreciate what a special person you had, otherwise he wouldn't have ended up on the street, alone and miserable." Damien took a step into the room and it suddenly shrunk.....four tense people...a small room...not a good thing. His face changed expressions a couple of times and landed on fierce, it was hard to know what he was thinking.

"I gave him financial support to make up for our unfortunate situation. He preferred the street to my help." Well I didn't expect that. I was very surprised that he shared that rather personal bit of information with James but it did have the desired effect. James didn't say anything else, just looked gobsmacked.

"I think I have everything." I looked around the room one more time. I was ready to leave. It had never occurred to me in the last two years how much I'd grown to love my little room and how much of a safe haven it had become. I looked at James, he had his flaws but I would do anything to keep him safe. I was going to miss him, his stupid jokes and his little dramas. I was determined to get back here as soon as possible. This place was home, he was my best friend.

We headed back downstairs and I was dreading saying goodbye, so I tried to make for the door as quickly as I could. Damien and Paul were outside already and I walked fast and waved to James as I went, not wanting to look back. But the bastard grabbed me. He pulled me back into his arms and kissed me hard and fast on the lips and then hugged me like I was never coming back. James always wore his emotions on his sleeve and I could see he was confused and sad. So many things had happened in the matter of a day and now I was leaving with a couple of weird guys, to go somewhere, to do something....he looked lost.

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