Nice skin

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Valerie slides across the floor before she is lifted into the air.
I hear her deafening scream before she falls to the ground. I run to her side but she seems out of it. I heat Hagrid saying not to go any closer but I'm already by her side. Harry comes near me and pulls me away as Hagrid takes my sister in his arms.

We get back to the castle,into McGonagall class. The necklace on the table. McGonagall asks Val's friend if she had the necklace before she entered the Three Broomsticks but she explains what happened. It was given to her in the bathroom. Where i was moments before. Draco.

Apparently Val had to deliver the Professor Dumbledore.
McGonagall lets the girl go. I'm pretty sure she's in Gryffindor.

"Why is it when something happens it's always you four" She looks at us. Haven't I asked myself this multiple times before.

"Believe me, Professor, I've been asking myself the same thing for six years" Ron jokes,or I think it's supposed to be a joke.

"In Harry's words,we don't go look for trouble, trouble usually finds us" I comment.

"Oh, Severus" McGonagall says as Snape enters the room. Snape lifts the necklace and I can hear demonic voice coming from it and birds sqwuaking. "What do you think?", McGonagall asks Snape.

"I think Ms Velonté is lucky to be alive" He says making a chill run through my body.

"She was cursed wasn't she? I know my sister she wouldn't do anything to hurt anyone. Especially Professor Dumbledore who's been so good to us" I say making Snape look at me. It's true. Since my mum died we haven't had anywhere else to go. Since I can't access the money my mum left behind for me since I'm under 17,he let us go to school for free. He really did help us and I know Val wouldn't do anything to sabotage that.

"If she was delivering that ti Professor Dumbledore,she wasn't doing it knowingly" I say and McGonagall agrees with me.

"It was Malfoy" Harry spits. Everyone turns to him,even Snape. I know Malfoy came out of the bathroom but I wasn't going to say anything until I was sure.

"I just know" Harry says as they ask why. Snape says a few nasty words before we're asked to leave. I go to the hospital wing to see if Val is okay,but Madam Pomfrey refuses to let me through.

I walk away,lost of all hope.

Harry's POV

I watch the map closely as I see Malfoy's footprints disappear.

"What do you suppose Dean sees in her? Ginny" Ron clarifies.

"Well,what does she see in him?"

"Dean? He's brilliant" Ron says as he looks to the ceiling.

"You called him a slit git not five hours ago" I remind him.

"Yeah,well. He was running his hands all over my sister, wasn't he? Something snaps,and you've got to hate him,you know? On principle"

"I suppose" I give in. He doesn't make any sense.

I look at the map to see Ella's footprints walking toward the Gryffindor tower but the turn around.

"So,what is it he sees in her?"

"I don't know" I try to let him keep a little quiet,"she's smart, funny, attractive" As the worst leave my mouth I realise that I'm not even thinking of Ginny at all.

"Attractive?" Ron questions.

"You know, she's got nice skin"

"Skin? Your saying Dean's dating my sister because of her skin? Hermione's got nice skin" he shocks me. It's way to awkward as I agree with him. I tell him I'm going to sleep as I close the map when I see Ella's footprints walk back from the dungeons.

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