Episode 3: Imagine Dragons

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"You're like a pony, Hawkeye," a man laughed gleefully, "Just keep going, and going, and going. I love it."

Tony had to bite the inside of his cheek to stop himself from laughing. Clint still looked upset and as much as Tony wanted to, he wouldn't laugh at the archer straight away.

Kate and Clint frowned as they moved backwards and forwards on the ride. The Tracksuit Mafia roared with laughter.

'Oh I wish I had a camera right now,' Tony whined in his head, as Kate hid her face in her hands and Clint looked up at the ceiling from embarrassment.

"I love it, bro. Look at Hawkeye! Where's your arrows now?"

"Pew, pew. Big, strong Hawkeye riding pony. They should smile more. This is fun for us too, you know."

Nat raised her eyebrows in amusement.

Kate sighed in relief as the ride slowed to a stop.

"Oh, thank God," Kate shook her head at the screen.

"Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh," a man exclaimed, "Again. Enrique, again, come on."

"No, not again," Clint groaned as Thor pat him on the back.

"Great," Kate closed her eyes.

"Go get more quarters."

"Yes," Clint frowned,

Tony couldn't help but chuckle at this.

"This is boring. Dmitri, let's play cards." A Tracksuit announced before sliding away on his chair. The others followed.

"Seems like you're mad at me," Kate commented, "I know it doesn't look like that, but you'd be lost without me, you realise that?"

Clint just looked over at Kate with disbelief, "you have got to be kidding me, right?"

"What? It's true," Kate shrugged as Clint rolled his eyes in response.

"I was about to clear your name from the suit, until you decided to crash through the skylight."

"Oh," Kate cringed.

"A very stylish entrance," Sam laughed.


Kate jumped as a man yelled on the phone behind her, he hit the table angrily.

"Damn," Bucky crossed his arms.

"Bro! Cálmate, bro. Cálmate" the other Tracksuit's tried to calm him.

The man exhaled heavily as he put his phone away.

"You good?" Kate asked.

"I don't think he is, no," Clint muttered sarcastically, earning a glare from the younger archer.

The man looked at Kate suspiciously before shaking his head and approaching her, "I buy Imagine Dragons tickets for my girlfriend, as, like, early Christmas gift, right?"

"That's thoughtful of him," Wanda smiled, leaning into Vision's cuddle.

"Mmm. That's so sweet," Kate nodded.

"Good, sweet," he agreed, "Then we had fight. You know what she said? She said that the tickets were gift, so she wants to bring her sister."

"Okay?" Steve frowned, not seeing the problem.

"I mean, look on the bright side. You don't have to go see Imagine Dragons."

"I love Imagine Dragons," he looked offended, "Uh, she doesn't even like them, you know. She did this on purpose to hurt me."

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