they slap your butt

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- W E A K

- more of a light, playful tap than anything

- you jump a little, hold your butt, then turn around for revenge

- this usually means you're chasing him around the lab until you land a good hit in

- 3/10 no bounce but he's cute so we'll forgive the lack of cake

- one time you did it too hard and he fell flat on his face

- you both laughed

- "are you okay?"

"that was a good one."

- becomes the drummer of a band

- you kind of just let her because it's funny

- will play her favorite songs on your butt

- you try to guess what they are

- "i have no idea."

"you're so bad at guessing!"

- slaps and then squeeZES

- you shriek and turn to slap her arm

- she just smiles like she didn't do anything

- revenge squeeze

- "ow! you squeezed so hard i think my a*s split into four."

"you're so dramatic."

- a normal person

- slaps and walks off like she didn't do anything

- might even whistle cheekily

- you're left flustered

- "Caitlyn!"

"yes dear, did you call for me?"


- only tempted to do so when you walk past him

- sometimes you remember he'll do it and face him while you walk by

- turns into a game of tag

- but like on the butt

- "lemme touch."

"it's off limits!"

- not a normal person

- does it at WORK

- she does not care

- might even rub the cheek a little bit before the slap

- please behave yourself

- "can you not?"

"but it helps me focus."

- did it by accident the first time

- not an accident the other times

- most of the time it's playful

- but that boy will straight up kick you

- of course you respond in turn

- "are they fighting?"

"no. i wish they were."

- does is absentmindedly

-like you're standing beside him and he'll drum his fingers on your back

- but then his arm gets tired and he lowers it to your butt instead

- he doesn't notice and neither do you

- you're very comfortable with each other

- idk this man is stone cold

- "where's the report for the latest shipment?"

"underneath the ash tray."

a/n silco is the hardest to write bc every time i think of something it's just completely out of character


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