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Fenrir opens his mouth near my neck as he tilts my head back,but Snape stops him. Fenrir throws me to the ground, and I turn around to look at them as they run off and Bellatrix Lestrange goes to the edge,forming the dark mark.

"Next time,sweetheart" she winks and waves as she runs of.

When she's gone,I stand up and run down the stairs. I run behind the group,"Draco! How could you! I trusted you!" My screams can't be heard as the glass shatters throughout the great hall. I give up  on Draco. I run to McGonagalls office but she's not there and as I look out the window of one of the highest floors,I see the crowd.

When I get to the ground, everyone is gathered around Dumbledore's body. Tears begin to pool down my cheeks as I walk closer to see a crying Harry,kneeling next to his hero's body. I out my hand on his shoulder and he gives in. He clings to by body like he never wants to let me go.

He cried into my shoulder like he had an endless supply of tears. I close Dumbledore's eyes as the dark mark screams above us. Everyone points the wands in the air,letting a low light escape the ends. The dark mark disappears in the light and Harry finally takes his hand of Dumbledore's chest.


The castle is empty without Dumbledore's presence. Harry and  I walk to Dumbledore's office. Everything is just like it was last time I was here. Harry looks at the desk and then takes Dumbledore's wand in his hands. I realise Fawks is gone.

"Potter. In light of what has happened..." McGonagall reveals herself,"if you should have the need to talk to someone..." Harry rushes past her, completely ignoring her.

"You should know, professor Dumbledore,you meant a great deal to him"

Harry's eyes are red from the crying and my body still feels weak from the things Snape did. I walk to Harry's side and take his hand in mine. We look up at the painting of Dumbledore,still fast asleep. We walk out of the office to go fond Hermione and Ron on the Astronomy tower.

"Do you think he would've done it? Draco?" Hermione asks.

"No. He was lowering his wand. In the end,it was Snape. It was always Snape and I did nothing" Harry admits,regret overwhelming him.

"Neither did I" I admit as I hug him from behind. Harry hands the locket to Hermione,"it's fake. Open it" Hermione carefully opens it as Harry turns and out his arm around. I still hug him as I listen closely,"To the Dark Lord. I know that I'll be dead long before you read this,but I want you to know that it was I who discovered your secret. I have stolen the real Horcrux and intend to destroy it as soon as I can. I face death in the hope that when you meet your match,you will be mortal once more. R-A-B" She questions R-A-B and Harry says that he doesn't know. "But whoever they are,they have the real Horcrux
Which means it was all a waste. All of it." Harry strokes my hair as he says this.

"I'm not coming back Hermione". I've got to finish whatever Dumbledore started and I don't know where that'll lead me,but I'll let Ella know where I am and she can tell you and Ron when I can"

"I've always admired your courage Harry" Hermione starts,"But sometimes you can be real thick" I finish.

"You don't really think you're going to be able to find all those Horcruxes by yourself,do you?" Hermione tries not to laugh.

"You need us Harry" I say as I stand next to him.

"I've never realised how beautiful this place was" Harry sighs as he looks out onto the grounds.

I hear a phoenix cry and as I look to the horizon,I see fawks fly away.  We walk to the other side of the tower. Harry takes my hand,"together?"I ask "Always"

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