Mad-eyes dead.

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Harry puts me down on a couch and talks to Mrs Weasley but I don't give attention,I just hear that no one else is back yet.

Everyone runs outside as Lupin yells,I hear Harry being shoved against the wall and Lupin asking for questions. I stood up an walk over but the moment I see them, I'm pinned to the wall,"What was Ella's boggart at her first defence against the dark arts lesson in her third year!" He yells with his wand pointed to me as George is being taken to the couch. I notice his ear almost entirely gone and blood trickling down.

"What's wrong with you?" I say but he grabs my throat,"Tom Riddle" I whisper and he let's go. Harry shoves him aside and help me as I catch my breath,"Sorry Ella,I had to make sure you weren't an imposter. We've been betrayed. Voldemort knew you were being moved tonight" he looks at Harry as he pants.

As the group runs out of the house I kneel next to George,"Are you okay?" I ask and he winks at me.

Mrs Weasley strokes his hair and I stand up as Fred kneels beside his twin brother. I run to Hermione and Ron the second I see them. "Oh my gosh. Thank goodness your alright" I almost begin to sob.

I let go of them and am immediately pulled into Harry's arms.

"How you feeling,Georgie?" Fred asks,"Saint-like" his injured brother responds. "Come again?" "Saint-like. I'm holy" he points to his ear and we all laugh a little.

I feel Harry tighten his grip around my body. I look at Fleur behind me and her cheeks are stained with tears,"Mad-eye's dead" Bill announces. I feel this taking a toll on Harry. He probably feels like everyone is sacrificing themselves only for him to live.

"Mundungus took one look at Voldemort and disapparated." Everybody looks sad and even I feel like a mental breakdown is nearby.

I'm can't seem too fall asleep in the bed next to Hermione,the moonlight shines in but I find no light entering my soul. I hear muffled talking from outside and as I look out of the window,onto the yard I see Ron and Harry.

I run towards the stairs and then the open door. "Come with me?"

"And leave Ella and Hermione? Are you mad? We wouldn't survive two days without them" Harry's wants to leave? After all that had happened. He plans on just abandoning me and going of on his own. At least Ron is smart enough to know what'll happen. I hear their discussion end and I decide that I won't keep my mouth shut. "Really? Your just going to leave?"  I walk towards Harry with my arms crossed.

Ron takes Harry's bag and looks at me with a expression that confirms just about everything I've heard anyway.

"It's not like that" he thinks before he answers,"that what's it like?"

He has no answer. "You'll just leave without telling me? Not thinking twice?"

"I'll always come back. Even as a shadow,even as a dream" He tells me before I walk back into The Burrow. My bed feels alot more warmer then Harry's heart right now.

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