Chapter 12: Noveria Part 2

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"Well now what?" Garrus asks as the doors slide open and the three of you step out.

"Best bet would to be just to ask around and see what we can find out." You reply. "He's probably operating somewhere far from here and it's unlikely that we can get there on foot."

"(L/N)." You turn and see Parasini walking towards you. "Wanted to tell you this away from the others, but Matriarch Benezia showed up not too long ago and went to Peak 15. I cannot get you there since Administer Anoleis must approve your departure from the port and he is a...well it will be hard to negotiate with him. Plus we are currently in a lockdown."

"I am sure that he is going to be very happy to hear that we want to interfere with someone else's business." Tali says.

"I am sure that we will be able to do some convincing." Garrus adds.

"I am sure that there are multiple ways for you to try to obtain a garage pass and for you access your Mako." Parasini says. "Until then, I will be in my office." She turns and heads off, leaving the three of you in the midst of both legal and illegal business men and women.

"I am going to take a look around." Tali says. "I won't draw much attention here so I will see what I can find." She wanders off, leaving you and Garrus.

"I would suggest that we just ask Anoleis, but I think we all know what the outcome would be." You say. "But...just in case." You follow the path that Parasini took and enter her office.

"Here to see the boss?" She asks.

"I am sure that this will go well." Garrus comments as the doors open.

"What? Who are you? What do you want?" Anoleis asks.

"Any chance we can get a garage pass?" You ask.

"I...who do you think I am the garage pass fairy? Do you have official business here that requires you to have one? I know for a fact that you don't." He answers.

"We are representatives of Commander Shepard of the SSV know the first human SPECTRE." Garrus says.

"I do not care what the Citadel Council says you are or who you work for. I protect the best interest of my clients and we are in a part of space that is not under your jurisdiction. Now exit my office." He responds before continuing to type.

"That didn't work." You mumble as to yourself as the three of you turn to walk out.

"Hey...I can get you guys a pass." A voice says behind you.

"What is in it for you?" Garrus asks as the three of you turn to Parasini.

"If a SPECTRE and his crew are on the trail of someone it must be pretty important and quite frankly I wouldn't want to see the end of the galaxy or what may be coming." She responds. "Lorik Qui'in is the synthetic insights manager here and he is not the happiest with Anoleis right now. I am sure that he will explain, but get into contact with him and you will get a few steps closer to getting that garage pass." She ends the conversation by going back to typing at her computer.

"Thank you." She nods at you without looking up from her screen.

"Well, are we going to talk to Qui'in?" Garrus asks.

"It is the best lead that we have. Unless?" You trail off as Tali walks up to the two of you.

"Found some interesting data on a terminal that I hacked that I will send to you." She says as she taps at her wrist. "Also, I did some scoping around the garage itself and we do, in fact, need a garage pass."

"Well, it does seem like Qui'in is our best route." You say. The of you make your way through the facility till you find the turian enjoying a drink.

"Are you Lorik Qui'in?" Garrus asks as you approach.

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