Chapter 3

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"I don't understand why you're angry?" He says for the hundredth time.  " I was doing what I had to do."

I ignored him. I was way too angry to talk. How dare he! Of all people!

" You can just drop me off here." He says",I don't want to be in the vehcile with you either."

" Why because you'd prefer be over there eating her face? You said that you were going to sell the damn place!" I growled trying my best to stay focus in the road.

" What did you think I was doing? You think I wanted her to kiss me? I had no choice Goddess! Not everyone is as wealthy as you are." He screams.

" Damn right no one is as wealthy as I am but you know me! You fucking knew me , we could have worked something out rather than you sell yourself! How could you make an offer with the devil itself before consulting with me?"

He was silent for a moment. I took a quick glance at him and noticed the years that streamed down his face.

" I'm not sorry for saying that. I meant every word. You could have asked me, or your brother for help. I know I tease you but I'm not heartless." I whispered.

" Where are you taking me? " He asks instead.

" I'm taking you to my home." I answered as I swirled to the left.

" What? No, I can be there!" He cries.

" Do you have any where else to go? Would you like me to call your brother? Mother perhaps? Just to let them know where you are?"

He scoffs then says," I don't live with my parents or siblings anymore. I've been kicked out since I was thirteen. Becky saw me one day outside of her spot and on that very day she kept me as her own. If it weren't for her, lord knows where I'd be."

Oh. That explains it. I can only imagine how unfortunate this boy feels right now. But one question plagued my mind, why was he kicked out? However, I knew better than to ask, he'd fine through enough already.

" I hope you find some peace at my house then. We have a lot of rooms so there's privacy or you could stay in my room," I smirked.

" I'm not some guy who uses a girl for her money" he protests.

" I'm not giving you money. I'm providing you with security. Would you rather I give you a million and set you on your way?" I said ensuring that he understood how serious I am.

" You'd do that for me?" He asks momentarily shocked.

" Don't act to surprised. I told you, I'm not heartless."

" I won't take money from you, may e there is something I could do to earn it. Like get a job?" He was cute really, thinking that I was going to let him work.

" How about you be my alarm? I've been waking up late for a few morning now so I think I need something more effective than a clock." I offered.

He laughs." T-tthat i-is ttt-he most rr-rediculos thing I've ever heard."

Normally I'd be annoyed but something about his laugh made me feel good inside. Maybe it was the way the wrinkles formed in the corner of his eyes or the way his blue eyes would get a little lighter while the grey one got darker. Irid was a unique boy.

" Are you checking me out? Look at the road dummy. I'm not dying in this truck !"

" If I say yes ... " I trailed off watching in amusement as he tried hiding his blush with the hoody." You're too cute."

That seemed to have caught his attention and he turned to me," you think I'm cute?"

" I think you're a lot of things Irid Theophile." I laughed.

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