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Brandon's P.O.V

I hated nights like this. We all do. But Victor was conned by his parents to come and play here tonight, something about keeping a good name and standing in these rich assholes eyes. Personally, I would tell them all to fuck off. But unfortunately; I can only stand by as his moral support.

We were all just here to accompany him and keep him safe. Make sure things don't end as badly as the last time.

Mr. B told us that a bird would be joining us, to help get us out of here as soon as Vic gets done. I'm not sure why we need help. This is a family mission. Not some take down or anything. We don't expect anything out of the blue to happen, but I do understand the need to be prepared.

I assume it's because last time, that one girl had drugged and tried to kidnap Victor. I can't remember her name, I think it was like Maurial or some weird crap.

Crazy psycho who has been obsessed with my brother for years.

But I've been standing off to the side, waiting to see one of the familiar Academy faces, for the past twenty minutes. And Victor gets done in about ten so time is ticking. It lowkey annoys me when Academy girls think they can show up whenever they please. As if the world revolves around them just because they're a rarity in the Academy.

I have no fucking clue where Marc or Mr. B are, and it worries me a little bit, but I trust that my other brothers are watching the cameras for our every move, so I push away some of the protective rage I feel in favor of scanning my surroundings once again.

I feel myself growing impatient, as I wait. So when a beautiful stranger offers to dance I tell her no. A little harshly to be honest.

If it wasn't for me waiting on some stupid Academy girl, I would have took this small blonde up on her offer and tried my hand in flirting. She looked graceful and stunning in a elegant pink dress. Her bright green eyes although happy, also seemed a bit haunted, and I can't help but see myself in her.

I'm dissapointed that I would meet a lovely woman here and be forced to decline her offer. Its just my damn luck to be doing Acadamy shit when someone this beautiful comes along.

So imagine my shock when she gets sassy and then I find out that she is the Academy member sent to retrieve us. Suddenly, I don't mind in the slightest that I had to wait so long.

And even though I don't know how to feel about her talking sexual to my brother, or her kissing him, but I'm leaning on it being fucking hot and jealous it wasn't me.

She swept us away without a hitch. Not even a cat fight or argument. It was amazing to see, her green eyes bright as she smiled.

Instinctly I knew she could handle herself, but leaving her with Mr. B and the douche squad that sit around him, was so fucking difficult to do. Expecially seeing the disgusting ways they looked at her. As if a peice of meat on display for their taking. I had to refrain from pulling a North and decking every guy in their faces for looking at her so disrespectfully.

But I didn't. Instead walking with Marc over to where she directed us and waited anxiously for her to come meet up with us by the stage.

It felt as if a huge weight dropped from my shoulder as I watched her and Mr. B walk through the crowd and to us.

She was a sight to behold, the only thing I could see in the crowd of many faces.

Once she made a to us, my heart was beating fast and I couldn't even say a word. Not that she gave us a chance, because before any of us could stop or maybe grab at her, she glides up the stage and sits beside Vic.

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