Chapter 13

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I looked up to see Hatchet standing there, knowing he saw the whole little exchange we had had. "Hatchet....what are you ding here?" He raised his brow at me. "I came to check on my prisoner, whom I see you let out! I'm sure your mother will be just delighted to hear this!" I wasn't one to beg, but it would be the 2nd time I did that night.

"Hatchet! Please don't tell Mother! I love him! He doesn't deserve to be down here in this cold dark place! He's already gone from my life! If you tell Mother she'll send the police out to kill him! What will I tell my baby?" By this time I was on my knees crying, even though the floor was grimy as hell. "Get ahold of yourself! I won't tell your Mother. I feel pity for you because I know you guys love each other dearly and if it were up to me you would be allowed to marry him." I looked up at him. "Thank you! Thank you!" I gave him a tight hug and he stiffened, but soon I felt him relax and return it. I finally broke apart.

"Okay. We need to go back upstairs and get you cleaned up!" We walked upstairs while Hatchet told me the story of his true love, which he had lost. It sounded almost exactly like mine and Duncan's. She was a rich girl and he was a poor boy. They were in love until the girls' father found out and had him sent to military boot camp on false accusations. When he came back she had married someone else. "I'm sorry." He waved me off. "It's okay. I know that she's happy and that's good enough for me." I smiled at him. Hatchet looked like a real tough guy and to a degree he was, but I also knew he was a big softie. Sort of like Duncan.

I managed to sneak back into my room and get a change of clothes before anyone noticed. I called for Bridgette to arrive immediately. Once she did, she sat on the bed and I told her everything. Of course at the end she only cares about one thing. "So, Geoff's gone?!" Geoff and her had gotten close like me and Duncan, and I could feel her pain. "I'm sorry. I just thought it was safer."

She flopped back on my bed. "So what now? Are we going to just be stuck marrying assholes?" I thought about it. We're we going to marry complete asswipes? Obviously I would have to tell Justin of my pregnancy and I didn't think he would want to marry me after that. He had told me once he thinks fat people are repulsive and I wasn't going to be exactly skinny for the next 7 months. Suddenly a light bulb went off in my head. "I have an idea...."

We waited until midnight to act on our genius plan. Everybody was asleep so the house was quiet. We tiptoed through the hallways and made our way to the front. Hatchet was waiting for us. "Are you ladies set?" I nodded and we hopped into the back of the carriage. Chef hopped in the front and we rode in silence towards the village.

Dude! Two chapters in one day! I know this one was short but that's because I really didn't have any extra detailed plan for the chapter. But the next one will be the last chapter before the epilogue which I will hopefully have both up tonight.

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