Better Than Him / Sixteen

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"So Potter found a way to put his name in the cup, huh?" Blaise questions when we got to our dorm, "But how? I mean he was just sitting and talking to Weasley." he shakes his head as he takes off his shirt before going into the bathroom.

"Yeah, seriously." Theo response while he also takes off his clothes, "This is mad. Maybe he made someone put his name?" he shrugs as he looks at me.

"Well, that might be possible but I don't reckon anyone would be willing to do that for him and they might tell him off, ya know." I sigh as my body hits the bed and felt it's comfort.

"We'll find out tomorrow if he's going to compete or not." Blaise ponders, coming out of the bathroom in his pajamas. "Now let's just sleep, I'm tired." as he yawns and get into his covers. "Goodnight, mates."


And with that Theo flicks his wand and the light went out. Darkness and snores fills the room immediately but my head was still awake with thoughts.

Does Hela know about this? She is kinda friends with Potter, maybe she does. I'll just ask her tomorrow.

I shake my head, pushing the thoughts away as I pull the covers over my chest and shut my eyes, drifting off to sleep.


*the next day*

I wake up the next morning to Crabbe and Goyle snickering about something, very loudly as they talk to Theo about something. I walk over to them and as I look over their shoulders to see badges, badges that says - "SUPPORT CEDRIC DIGGORY – The Real Hogwarts Champion." and they suddenly turns to "POTTER STINIKS!"

"This is brilliant!" Theo laughs, "Give it to everyone. They would love to wear them." he states to them carefully before they nod and run out of the dorm.

"Potter is competing since he has no choice of getting out of the tournament." Theo explains the reasons behind why he made these badges while handling me one with one sentence that I understood.

"Well, this is gonna be brilliant." I chuckle and look at the badge, "Pottah's gonna love this." I grin to Theo before I walk to the bathroom to get ready for the day.

After I showered, I put on a black turtle neck which I folded the sleeves up to my elbow and slip on a black dress pants. After that I just put on my rings, sprayed my cologne and pinned the badge on my shirt and walked out of my dorm.

When I enter the hall, I see most people wearing the badges and flashing them whenever they past Potter. I smirk to myself as I walk over to my table to see all of them wearing the badges except for Hela who was having a deep conversation with Daphne who is on her left and Pansy who is across from her.

I sit next to her which she doesn't notice.

Or so I thought she didn't.

I scoff lightly as I fill my breakfast plate and start to eat while I talk to Theo.

"You're seriously wearing that?" I hear Hela snaps at Blaise who hasn't even sit down next to Pansy, "Thought you would be better than him." she nods at me and I caught her face for a moment.

"Well Potter is a cheat and you should know that." Blaise says casually as everyone nods, agreeing with him.

"Rubbish." she mutters under her breathe as she looks over at me. "What?" she hisses.

"Hey! You're the one who was talking about me in the first place." I recall, "And you dare to say 'what?'" I add.

She tuts as she rolls her eyes and flattens her clothes before getting up and follows when she saw Moon got out of the hall. And then I realized that we almost look like we're wearing the same outfit. I sigh not thinking much before I turn back to my breakfast.

"Where's Potter?" Blaise asks, trying to find him in the Gryffindor table, "Did he left?"

I turn around to look and see that he indeed was gone. Maybe he got annoyed with the badges. 

I shake my head as I chuckle lightly, "Looks like he did." I took a sip from my tea, "Well, no worries, we're gonna find him again."


Blaise, Theo and I walked out to the school grounds to find Potter who stormed out of the hall when he people kept shoving those badges in his face. I sat up in a tree in the courtyard looking down for him and waiting for the perfect timing. I saw him walking out of the school alone, furious, minutes later.

I smile to myself knowing I'm about to make his day worse.

"Why so tense, Pottah?" I call out loudly, chuckling. He rolls his eyes, trying to walk past us. "My father and I had a bet, you see." I went on, boiling his blood a bit by bit, "I don't think you're last ten minutes in this tournament."

That stopped him from walking.

I jump down to the ground and I see a figure of Hela with Moon on her side walks quickly past him and watching from afar with everyone.

"He disagrees, he thinks you won't last five."

And that's when I made him mad. He suddenly walks in front of me, pushing me back with force, knocking the literal air out of my lungs.

"I don't give a damn about what your father thinks, Malfoy!" he spats, "He's vile and cruel," he stops, "and you're pathetic!" he adds and turns quickly, walking away.

"PATHETIC!?" I repeat loudly as I try to take my wand out of my pocket.

"NO YOU DON'T, SONNY!" I heard someone yelled before I felt my body change and I was now four on the ground.


me back hurts

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