you are such a moron to think this

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Taking in a deep breathe, type to his stomach, slowly opened his eyes to look to his alarm clock that was too his side table to inhale very slow to then reach a hand to hit the button to then turn slowly to his back to look to the ceiling to take in a deep breathe to then move his hand up to try and find his phone, retrieving it, he then placed it above his head to then take in a deep breathe once more.
Call HR, and quit.
Type rolled his eyes to then dial the number to then place the phone to his ear to then bring his free hand to his forehead to rub to sign.
This is still so unfair, I didn't do anything wrong!
Type groaned.
"Mm, yes.....I was calling to inform you I will not be coming into work today, I.......quit."
Type then shut the phone off, to then eye it in anger to then toss it to the floor to them look to then ceiling.
Type placed his hands to his eyes to rub to feel like shit.
Getting up, he placed his hands behind himself to groan, he then placed a hand to his lower back to rub, it still very much hurt him.
Sighing, he then got up to go to his bathroom, to then relieve himself to then brush his teeth, to then look himself in the mirror to shake his head a bit.
This is fucking ridiculous! He is the one who did a horrible thing and yet I have to quit? Where is the justice in that?
Type rolled his eyes to then place his tooth brush away, to then go about to go to his dresser to get dressed to then eye his phone to the ground to make a face to then go to it to gather to then go to his living room, to grab his lap top to then go to his kitchen table to open to then start to search for another job, looking through a few, he placed his hand to his chin to keep scrolling.
Peering his eyes to the side, type furrowed his brow has he saw his phone start to go off, he then grabbed it to place to his ear.
"You are late. You need to get in here now!"
Type rolled his eyes at tharns voice.
"I quit, now go to hell!"
Type then shut off his phone to place it to the side to then go back with trying to find another job.
Sighing, he looked to his phone once more, to make a face to then grab to place to his ear.
He then heard laughing into the receiver.
"What is so funny!?"
"Do you honestly think you can quit? Now get your ass in here now, or I can go to your home."
"If you ever come to my home I am going to kick your ass! Now I quit an hour ago, leave me alone!"
"If you don't come in here in an hour, I am going to go to your home, just watch me. Now get your ass in here!"
Type signed heavily.
"I do not work for your company anymore, this is ridiculous, I am going to hang up and I am not going to...."
"Then I'm going to your home and we will straighten this out there."
He heard laughing into the phone.
"I believe we are passed formalities, call me by my first name."
"Mmm.... Which one? Bastard? Prick? Asshole? How about rapist or...."
Type lightly laughed.
"Touching a nerve?"
"No, I am trying to get some work done, you need to come in and now."
"I don't work that's anymore!"
"Yes you do, ill be going to HR right now and I will stop the paperwork, now get in here!"
Type groaned.
"No? Haha, if you don't, I'll make sure you can never find a job, just watch me! You have one hour type, don't be stupid now."
Type heard the phone cut out to then move it before his face to then shake his head.
What the hell is wrong with this man!
Type groaned and hard to then place his phone down to then shut his lap top to then get up to move about to go back to his bedroom to then get dressed in a suit to then go to that place once more with a plan, go in, talk to the bastard and make sure he very much quit.
Driving to that place, type knew it wasent a good plan and it was rather basic but he didn't have anything going through his mind other then that, what weighed heavily on his mind was the fact when he thought of seeing tharn he grew rather much hard in his pants which pissed him off.
Sitting to his car in front of the building he took in deep breathes has he pressed himself to the seat to look forward to shake his head a bit.
Gulping and hard, he looked down to see his erection finally went down, make a face he then got out of his car to then slam the door to eye the ground.
I don't know what the hell is wrong with me and why this is happening but I am going to do something about it! I'm going to quit, stay the hell far from him and then find a woman to fuck endlessly, I am not fucking gay!
Type took in a very deep breathe to then go forth to then head to that office he very much hated to be standing in front of the door to sign.
Really wish I could just punch the fucker!
Rolling his eyes, type then placed his hands to the door to then open to look in, to see tharn to his desk to be Typing.
Type took in a deep breathe to then go in to slam the door a bit to go to the desk to be a bit away to wait eye tharn.
Silence surrounded them, for tharn to eventually stop to then turn his head to eye.
"What are you doing? Need to get to work."
Type took in a very deep inhale.
"I quit almost 2 hours ago, I do not work for you."
Tharn smirked to then move his chair about to eye type fully.
"Has I told you, I have gone to HR, I have stopped the paperwork, you have not, if you do, I will make sure you can't get another job anywhere, I have my resources, so..... Get your ass to work my little bitch."
Types eyes narrowed.
"You can't do that."
Tharn scoffed to then look back to his computer to start to type once more.
"Would you like to find out? If not, go to the filling cabinet and get to work."
Types face fell to then turn his head to look over the filing cabinet.
"You are just an evil person, you son of a...."
Tharn rolled his eyes..
"That's quite enough. Also, you need to rent a truck to then move all your things into my home."
Type rolled his eyes to then go to the cabinet, not really knowing what else to do.
"You are insane! I am not going to move in with you! Fuck off!"
Tharn stopped typing once more to turn his head to then eye type.
You can think that.....

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