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you call it hope— that fire of fire!
it is but agony of desire.

- edgar allen poe

.・゜-: ✧ :- KILLING ME SLOW,
OUT THE WINDOW -: ✧ :-゜・.

KAITO MINORI is selfish.

That isn't a ways of insult, but merely a reality. He's always been self-centered. He knows it, he acknowledges it, and he's never tried to deny it. Why should he? It's not like he particularly cares about what others think of him.

In fact, if you ask him, forming relationships with people is a waste of time. The most tragic, borderline pitiful, risk of giving in to pathetic fragility. Of being weak.

It's a risk he's never been stupid enough to take.

So he keeps to himself, for the most part. Some may call his demeanor cold, but he knows it's purely survival, especially in a place like this.

This island, the one that's been sworn to be paradise on earth, for him is anything but.

Most of the time he's able to distract himself with school. The workload given at the infamous Kook academy is strenuous, but it's certainly nothing he can't handle and it did the job in keeping him busy enough.

But that was before summer started. Now the weather is somehow hotter and stuffier than usual, welcoming the never ending mosquitos and unbearable parties that seem to occur on a weekly basis. Kai would never willing attend a Kook party - no matter how much Sarah begs him. If ever he found the desire to hang out with a bunch of white collar addicts, all he'd have to do is wait for all of the inevitable, insufferable summer gatherings that are sadly an annual occurrence. Those, Kai lamentably has no choice but to attend.

Unfortunately, his father is a significant figure around the island, and certainly amongst Figure Eight. That, along with the fact that they're neighbors with the Cameron's, who are well-established Kook royalty, makes it practically one of Kai's obligations to attend these heinous events and socialize with people he can't stand, all to keep up a faulty reputation.

Needless to say, he's grown to despise all of it. This place has never felt like home, and he's found himself desperate to get out. It gets more unbearable with every passing summer, and he's not sure he wants to stick around to see how this one will end.

So he's made up his mind. No matter what, he's getting out. The only issue now, ironically, is money.

He's not above stealing from his father, but the amount of money needed to leave a life behind to start a new one is pretty substantial. And frankly, he'd rather his exit be as discreet as possible. He wishes to simply disappear and leave no trace behind, have no connections leading him back here - especially to his father.

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