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"What is the meaning of love?

Is there an actual meaning?

Could you explain why you fell in love?

It was like trying to explain what water tasted like.

You couldn't pick who you love

How you love....

The only thing you can choose is what you do about it...."


I sat up in bed abruptly, covered in sweat. I used my arm to push the sweat out of my face; a nightmare again. It was all just flashes and blurs but it really had me shaken up. I laid my head back on my pillow and sighed to calm my racing nerves. My brain was still foggy from the dream and I knew I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep so I grabbed my phone from its place on my bed stand and squinted my eyes at the oncoming bright screen.

What time is it? I wondered before I checked the little clock on the upper right-hand corner of my phone. I hoped the time was way off because I was supposed to be up at eight o' clock. It was now eight-fifty. Quickly untangling myself from the blankets, I rolled onto the floor and landed on my face.


I sprang back up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes and stretching. The humid air only made my shirt stick to my chest so I pulled it off in disgust, followed by my pants and boxers. Then stumbled into the bathroom and turned the knob for the shower.

I sighed at how good the cold felt on my back, standing head rested against the wall, letting the cool droplets slide down my back and arms. It helped me calm down and eased me into alertness. I let myself wander off into thought.

Perhaps I had a nightmare because I was late.

It was just another excuse to push away the thought that it wasn't a nightmare, but a vivid memory that I preferred not to think about. Memories that I know in my fragile state would not do well to resurface. Shuddering at the thought, I shut the water off and stepped out of the shower. When I grabbed the towel and wrapped it around me, I figured it must be nine already. Since I was already late, I had no regard to the time. I stood in front of the mirror and started shaving bits of stubble from my otherwise clean-shaven face, and gave myself a feeble smile when I was finished.

Before getting dressed I figured I should text my ride that I was running late. I reached for my phone and sent a quick text: 'Hey running late. Key under mat, let yourself in.'

I got a reply in a matter of seconds: you're running late today of all days? Nervous?

And don't worry, I certainly will let myself in, got ant breakfast?

I rolled my eyes, not even bothering to answer and stuck my phone in my backpack then headed to my dresser to pick my outfit. I was never one for style, less was more, but today was a pretty important day, so I had to make an attempt to dress nicely. I threw on some denim jeans and a long sleeve tee that was the same color as my gray eyes. Before checking myself in the mirror one more time I threw on my favorite smoke colored beanie.

I was glad that I packed last night, my bags full of my stuff at the edge of my bed I grabbed them and headed for the stairs. As I reached the bottom step I called out to my friend, hoping he was already here. "Major?"

"Right here!" I heard his voice call out from the kitchen. I set my bags on the ground and grabbed my shoes from the rack; pulling them on and lacing them. I was ready to go as Major came around the corner looking as big as a basketball player. But his style of dress was far from one; he wore his dyed green hair long, down to his shoulders. Adorned his face with a few odd piercings, his style of choice was more punk rocker; ripped jeans, converse and band tees.

Today he wore a black wife beater tank top with our band: Darling Protocol's logo imprinted on the front and some black ripped jeans. Instead of converse, he wore leather boots. "Ready to go?" he asked me. "We better get moving if we want to be there on time."

"Yes." I grabbed my bags and nodded.

He went out ahead of me and before I closed the door I took a good look around the silent house. I thought of my dad, hung-over, and sleeping in his bedroom. I hadn't even seen him once on my visit home; I may as well have stayed in Chicago. I locked the door and threw my bags in the back of Major's truck. Once I got in and he started the car, the radio blasted one of Darling Protocol's most popular songs. I looked at Major and chuckled. "Is this the radio? Or a CD" I asked and he gave me a knowing smile, his dimples popping.

"Radio, you know I don't like to self-promote." His face lit up. "But speaking of self-promotion..." he turned to rummage through a black trash bag behind his chair, then turned back to me and threw a black long sleeve tee-shirt at me. I unfolded it, revealing a shirt with the band's logo on it, similar to the one he was wearing.

"Really?" I asked, holding it up in front of me.

He laughed. "Scarlett's Idea"

I rolled my eyes; it was going to be a long ten hours...

Song: A Sky Full Of Stars by Coldplay

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