4.11, 4.12

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Andre shook his head and opened his mouth to say something, only to find that besides asking the other party what he wanted to eat, he couldn't think of anything else to say to the other party.

Who made himself so dull and boring all the time, Andre thought that there was a glimmer of gloom in his eyes. I saw Barry approaching himself and said to him,

"It's better to let me make the dinner. You have been taking care of me for so long. I always eat the food you cook, and I want you to taste me. The craftsmanship, okay?"

Andre heard Berry say so, and there was a burst of excitement in his heart. The thought of being able to taste the craftsmanship of the beloved, no matter what the craftsmanship of the other person is, it makes people feel happy. Nodding vigorously, Andre drove the car back to the marshal's mansion quickly.

In fact, in the small world in the past, Berry would occasionally cook for his lover, not to mention that he had spent so many worlds, how could he not be familiar with cooking.

It's just that compared to his own old attack, Barry's cooking skills do appear to be a lot more mediocre. What's more, in the past, Barry was more willing to enjoy the feeling of being pampered by his lover, so since his own man is willing to do it for himself, Barry is also happy to sit back and enjoy it.

After returning home, Barry changed his clothes and went to the kitchen. Choosing a few ingredients from the refrigerator, Barry thought he could cook a few simple home-cooked dishes.

Although this world has not known Andre for long, but the tastes of his own men in every small world are still very familiar to Barry.

Barry cooked the soup with fresh bamboo shoots, which tasted light and greasy. I also fried some fish in a more traditional way, and the seasoning is naturally made according to the taste of the man's favorite. After that, I made two green vegetables at random, and the meal was completely prepared.

My lover's taste has always been light, and he has no special preference for meat, so Barry's meals today seem to be a bit more vegetarian. After it was done, Berry brought the food to the dining room, and opened the lid as if offering a treasure after Andre arrived.

Seeing Andre staring at his cooking in a daze, Barry showed an innocent expression, blinked at Andre, and said embarrassingly:

"This is the first time I have cooked. It's not that the selected ingredients don't meet your appetite. It's a bit too vegetarian!"

Andre shook his head, but he was a little shocked, because the ingredients that Barry chose were all his favorites on weekdays. Picking up the chopsticks and can't wait to taste it, the light taste, fresh ingredients, this way of keeping the original taste is also my favorite.

Only the method of the fish nuggets is a bit more complicated, and the taste is slightly rich, but it also makes André who ate it for the first time feel like he loves it. Seeing Andre tasting all the dishes, Berry couldn't wait to ask:

"How is the taste? Is it okay?"

Andre nodded, seeing that Berry was a little eager to know the answer. A sense of warmth flows through. This was the first time he had tasted the meals cooked by his family after his parents passed away.

For Andre, he had already regarded Berry as his significant other. He did not hesitate to praise:

"The taste is very good, this is the best meal I have ever eaten!" When

Bai Rui heard this, he smiled brightly and said to Andre:

"That's good, in fact, I still I'm really worried that I won't be able to make these meals. Although I have tried it in the past, you are the first one to eat the food I cooked!"

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