Chapter 32

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This chapter is dedicated to Ryan, a very good friend of mine who tragically passed away in a car accident.

I miss you so much. Still think about you all the time....

I'm putting two songs in this chapter, the one above, is Skye's perspective, the one below is how Zayde feels.

Please listen to them while you're reading, it makes it sweeter, or sour, depending on what you're reading.

January 30.

Zayde, I miss you so much. It's been roughly a week since you've been in a state of coma, and I had to go back to school- we all did. Ollie, Nicki, Nick and I never left your side. Talking to your sleeping self- because that's what you're doing, sleeping -telling you of all the things we normally would.

Darling, we drove straight to Elington as soon as Devon called us, were devastated, I was broken, I thought I'd never see you again. Only to see you hooked up to a million wires, the only sign of life, a beeping heart monitor and the ghost of a smile on your lips.

Even in deep sleep, you are still intensely beautiful, and I can't wait for you to open those lovely eyes of yours again Zayde, I love so so much.

Yours forever ,

February 24.

Love, my birthday was two days ago. I remember how you told me that you would be back before my birthday, and that you'd spend it with me, soaking me in love.

But you weren't back then Zayde.

You're still not moving, the doctors say that you're stable, but it's almost as if it's neither getting better, nor worse.

Yes, I'd rather have you alive and asleep- because you are sleeping darling, that's what it is- than dead and I can't see you anymore.

But even still, I want to look at your face a you talk me, hug you when you can actually hug me back, kiss your lips and actually feel warmth.

You smiled when I kissed you.

I know you're still in there, you can do this Zayde, don't give up.

Yours Always,

March 9.

Hello my Zaydey.

Today was Nan's birthday.

She misses you.

We all miss you, so much.

Meadow hasn't been the same way without you baby, she's been happy, but not quite as much, she asks a lot of questions, and I can't answer them, I always just tell her that you are in a deep sleep.

Then she reminded me of sleeping beauty, she said I could kiss you to wake you up.

If only it were that easy.

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