Chapter 4

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You sat in your office chair worrying immediately. Thinking of all the bad things that happened to you last night. You began to shake. Holding the bruises on your neck, you started looking at cameras.

It was 2 AM, nothing had happened yet. A few errors with the vents here and there but besides that silence. This is either really good or really bad. You contemplated. Maybe that thing needed sleep too. You tried to comfort yourself even though it was a robot and it doesn't sleep. When you checked the cameras you switched over to the vents. You saw it. Crawling in the vents. How? It was huge! You panicked and started to seal off the vents and luckily it backed off and left you alone. What a relief.

Moments later, it somehow managed to get right in your door again. This time instead of running you accepted your fate. Both of you were just staring at each other. It felt awkward but it was an animatronic and it didn't have feelings anyway. You looked at its body and saw some very disturbing things. The body had holes which you were pretty that inside those holes were flesh. And wires stuck out of it endlessly. But how could flesh be in a robot? Until you realized, there was a human inside. Definitely dead but a human. Human. Your face went white and everything was spinning. Why is a human in there? How is it alive?! Why is it hunting humans?!

It finally spoke up.

"Why are you back." Sounding more like a demand.

"I don't know." You didn't want to speak to that thing, but the words came out of your mouth, without control.

"You're not only pathetic but also stupid." He chuckled and began laughing at you.

You gazed at it, why was this so funny? Why hasn't he killed me yet?

"Listen, you shouldn't of come back. I am going to kill you." He said while still laughing at your stupidity.

"W-what even a-a-are y-you?" You said trembling.

"My names Spring trap. But that won't matter to you." He said while slowly approaching you.

There was enough room in the office for you to run around him, you thought of a plan, you would throw something at Spring trap and then book it to the exit.

Quickly, you picked up a flashlight and threw it at him, no harm done but he was just shocked at what you did. You quickly ran around him running to the exit as it's loud footsteps were trailing you.

You pulled on the doors but they didn't open. It's an exit how do doors not open?! You were banging on the doors as your last chance before he came and grabbed you again.

This time he shoved you into a wall. It didn't hurt that much, but he did it with such force. What is this beast?

"This is almost boring."

Offended and frightened you punched it. It hurt you more than you hurt it. He laughed. You grasped your hand as it bled. Ouch.

The bell had saved you. It was 6 AM and your shift was thankfully over. You promised yourself you were going to quit this time but you knew deep down, you'd be back tonight.

"This isn't the end, Y/N." Chuckling as it left you.


FNaF Change Awakens (spring trap x reader)Where stories live. Discover now