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"Yeah. You can't miss her. She's a vampire." Matt responded.

Me and Elena looked around the room looking for Jere as we both know how muvh he likes Vic. "Where did he go?" ELena breathed out.

"Elena, what's the matter?"

My heart beat faster more concerned about Jere than anybody else at this moment. "We-we've got to go find him." Grabbing onto Elena's hands I led her somewhere else away from Matt. As soon there wasn't much people around us I turned to her. "We have to split up and find him. If you see him text me and I will come to you."

She nodded and went left as I went right.

It feels like an whole hour went by but it wasn't, just 30 minutes. I was walking down a hallway with many cobwebs determined to find my brother before he becomes Vic's next beverage. I stopped in the middle the hallway turning in circles.

"If I was a couple where would I make out" I mumbled under my breath. "Somewhere secluded and quiet..... The buses." Then I marched there.

Opening the doors I was hit by the cold air as I was used to the warmth from too many bodies. "He better be here."

I heard some heavy breathing a little far up from where I was, and slowly headed towards it.

"Vicki! Viki, what the hell?!" I heard in Jeremy's voice.

I ran to him. "Shit, shit, shit." Turning to where they where I saw he was just about to approach him. "NO!" She turned around so quick that I took a step back in fear. Her eyes were darkened and veins appeared under them.

"Run, Jere!" I yelled as I threw a rock at her. I knew it wouldn't kill her but hopefully it was enough for him to run. Vic's face turned to a angry one and charged at me. My body was held by her hand as she started lowering her face. I tried using my hands to push her away, she just pushed them away as she fed on my neck.

I started to scream as tears sprung my eyes, this felt way worse than it did in my dream and unfortunately I couldn't blink it away.

As she kept going I felt my blood flow out of my and my heart slowly start decreasing. Luckily enough a scream was enough to pull Vicki out of it. In an instant she dropped me and ran to whoever yelled. I felt my body hit the ground hard as I grunted but really I couldn't feel it. I was numb. Another thing was I couldn't see through my eyes as they were blurry so I couldn't see my savior. But I got up none the less and blinked until my eyes were somewhat clear.

I heard a third party came along. "Go! Get inside."

"I have to get Nat!" I heard Elena extort.

I quickly walked towards them placing my hand on the bus. "It's fine, lets go."

Jere, me, and Elena went heading towards the same doors I went out of. When suddenly Jeremy was knocked down to the floor, I placed my hand on Elena's back. "Go, go, go." But I was pulled back as I saw Vic pull Elena and bite her neck. Elena screamed and I was furious.

I got up fast a grabbed the first piece of wood I can find and stabbed her in the heart just as she went to take a breath. I couldn't hear my brother's screams for his lover or Elena's shocked breath, all I could hear was my heart beating in my ears. Of course I wasn't strong to stab her so Stefan put the rest of the wood in her heart.

My eyes stung of tears and saw Stefan holding my brother back from touching Vicki, seeing as she died... because of me. All we could do was stand there and hear my brothers desperate plea's.


I sat on the ground my butt on the grass with my knees to my chest. A few tears shed from my eyes, but I shouldn't cry... I killed her. I have no right. Elena on the other hand has been sitting next to Vic's body crying.

Hours of the Night // Damon SalvatoreWhere stories live. Discover now