Part.12 || 4/4

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You are swiftly running down the narrow hallway as you hear thumbing behind you, glancing behind you for a second you see two animatronics chasing you, 'They don't look as friendly as they use too..' You pick up the pace as you reach a dead end with an elevator, Quickly moving your way through the skinny slit in the door, staring back at the two hopeless animatronics. You press the button as the doors close and it begins taking you down slowly. Sighing in relief happy elevator music starts playing, It is the same song from the Day care as you shake your head quickly. 'I can not be sad I have to focus on saving Sunny...'

You stand up tall as you clutch onto your flashlight tightly and the doors open. Making your way out, you don't know where you are. Everything is broken down and torn up, you walk down the hallway that is filled with old boxes and toys as you look around. Reaching a yellow curtain that use to have a label above it, but it got torn off. You nod your head as you open the curtain cautiously to reveal a large room. It has boxes filled with circuits and wires and different animatronic parts.

You nod your head with satisfaction as you look around. The sirens that were going off have suddenly stopped, 'No distractions.. Focus!!' You mumble to yourself to keep yourself focused. Knowing nothing about robots or technology you start shoveling things into an box that looks like it can be used to fix Sundrop. You pick out a voice box, a new set of eyes, different arm plates, and a lot of extra stuff. You pick up the box and begin to walk back out the curtain, Looking around you see a narrow hallway labeled "Pa ts nd Ser ices" All of the letters have fallen off but you swiftly run towards the hallway as you can see the protective in the distance.

You see Sundrop still lying there as you smile and make your way over. You set the box of supplies on the table with the old computer as you walk over to Sundrop and lean down. "I am going to help you, Sunny and then we will play together in the Day care again." You smile as you pick up his broken parts and help him to stand and walk over to the metal and glass circle. He lays on the bed as you walk up to the computer and begin selecting the things to fix, hoping that you have all of the right materials.

You walk inside of the protective cylinder and begin to follow the monotone robots voice from the speakers above. As you finish up fixing each part of Sundrop the robot voice speaks from above one last time. "Please place the face mold back onto the animatronic." As you take off the Sundrop mask from your face you place it on his. "Good job. Please step out of the protective cylinder and select complete on the device." You swiftly walk over to the computer and complete fixing Sundrop as he springs up off of the bed.

His head mask spins around as he smiles big. He walks out of the metal circle as he looks around and spots you, you smile softly with tears rolling down your cheeks as Sundrop bounces up to you. "Friend!!! Why are you crying!!" You reach up and put your arms around his neck as you hug him tightly. He reaches around you and lifts you up as you hold onto him and wrap your legs around his waist. You missed him so much as he giggles and walks with you down the long hallway.

"Don't worry best friend... I will protect you always. But oh my look at the time it is time for bed!!" He quickly approaches the day as he makes his way into the nap time area. His clothing slowly turning into a dark navy and his sun mask switching into a moon. "Moondrop hopes you sleep well" He says as he lays you down in a bed, He pulls the blankets up to your chin and tucks you in tightly. "Thank you so much.. We will always protect you." Moondrop says quietly as he kisses your forehead softly and sits by your bed until you drift off too sleep.

Sundrop/Moondrop x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now