just not working

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Yawning to his mouth, type got up to then move about rather quick to place on his jacket to then look to his desk to see his phone, he then made a face to then grab it to place before his head to eye it curiously.
Mm.... Maybe he is finally understanding things between us.
Type signed a bit to then place his phone to his back pocket to then leave, to then turn his head to eye the elevators to start to chew at his inner cheek, this was the time he usually would be going up.
Shaking his head he then turned to then leave. Going to his car he then sat in the drivers spot to then eye forward.
Two days it's been like this, no texts, no calls and haven't been up there, maybe he is finally letting whatever this was go.
Type took in a very deep breathe to then drive off to go to a bar, he needed to pick up a girl. He had grown very frustrated.
To the bar, he couldn't help but eye his phone just waiting for a text to then roll his eyes to then slam it a bit to the bar counter to shake his head to then wrap his hand to his glass to then take it to his lips to consume in confusion of his own actions to this. Rather then being happy he was disturbed.
Taking his drink down a bit, type turned his head to see a woman sitting close to then eye his phone.
"A jilted lover?"
Type took in a deep breathe to then place his glass down to eye.
"Not exactly."
She nodded to then get up to then place her hands to his shoulders to go to his ear.
"Is it a wife that's ignoring you?"
Type shook his head.
"Just work."
She then took a hand about to then go to his crouch to rub a bit.
"I know this is a little forward, but this is my last night in Thailand, and you look very handsome, can we.... Get a room?"
Type gulped to take in a deep breathe to then turn his head to look to her with an alluring smile.
"We sure can."
To the bedroom, the two sat to the edge to kiss and hard, for type to furrow his brow, he could feel he was not getting hard.
He then placed his hands to her neck to try and get into it, type then moved his hands down to undo her blouse to then place his hands to her breasts to play with, to then make a face has they kissed, he was only getting slightly hard.
The woman moaned has type touched her to then take it further, she then pounced to get on top of him to then take her hands to her shirt to then move over her head to then throw to the side to go back down to move her hair away to place her mouth right back to his.
Type placed his hands to her waist to try and get into this to no avail.
A bit later, type was still to his back, head lifted up to flex his jaw.
He was only semi hard and no where close.
The woman didn't seem to mind, she rode to his cock to have her hands to his chest to grip here and there to then have her head be back to smile and wide has she straddled.
"Ah..... You feel so good! Mm.....I'm going to cum are you close?"
Type signed a bit.
"Nn..... So close!" He lied.
The woman started to go faster, type then turned his head to eye the wall a bit pissed off at himself, this was making no sense to him.
Type then closed his eyes to think of that weekend with tharn to then turn his head forward to lift it up.
The woman started to moan louder has type got very solid inside.
"Aaah God! You Thai men feel so......aaah I'm cumming!"
She breathed heavily to then move down to place her body to his to move her head up and down his chest.
"Mm.... Did you cum with me?"
Type took in a deep breathe to then wrap his arms about to look deeply to the ceiling has his very limp member got out of her to flop down.
"Yes I did, you are amazing."
She giggled to then get off to then go about to gather her things.
Type took his condom off and quick to then act has he came to then get up to place to a trash can to eye.
Dressed, the woman turned to eye.
"Thank you for that."
Type turned his head to look to her.
"Thank you has well, really was quite something."
She nodded to then turn to leave, type watched her go to then flop to the bed to streach his arms out to look up to shake his head a bit.
What the fuck is wrong with me!
Why can't I fuck a woman!? Why do I keep having to think about him!
Type then placed his hands to his eyes to rub to then move them away to then turn his head to eye his pants that were to the ground to make a face, getting up he then went to them to grab his phone from his back pocket to then open to eye.
Still no calls or texts from tharn.
Type rolled his eyes to then look to the hotel wall.
Fuck! What has this cock sucking piece of faggot, repulsive, asshole, shit done to me! I'm not gay, but god, I think I'm wanting his.....
Type squeezed his eyes tightly shut.
I hate this! I hate him! Why did this have to happen to me! I just wanted to work at a great company, meet a girl, get married, maybe have kids and retire early then this fuck had to do what he did, now I'm all fucking confused!
Type stepped. until he hit the bed to then flop to his back to look up with his phone in his hand wishing tharn would text and or call him, not to know this was his plan to get type.

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