Part 5

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Chapter 5

We were in the middle of a forest, lush green trees and birds of all sorts roamed. We wondered for a while trying to find anything that would indicate we were close to the entrance. As the day went on, we grew more and more discouraged.

"Maybe we need to start heading back for the day. It's getting cold out here and I wouldn't want you getting hurt in the dark."

"Just a little longer, Aidonus. It's still light out."

"Okay just a bit longer."

After a bit longer of searching, we decided to head back for the night. As we were walking back to where Aidonus had set camp, something caught the corner of my eye. I stopped. Aidonus grabbed my hand as if he were worried for me.

"Thalia? Is something wrong?"
"I thought I saw something. Over there..."

I pointed in the direction. And there it was again. A flash of a symbol that I hadn't seen before but somehow recognized. Like it was a part of me.

"I don't see anything."

"It's over there. The entrance. I just know it."

I started walking towards the symbol, a beautiful eye encased in flames. That was definitely the entrance. Aidonus came up beside me.

"Good eye, Thalia. But how did you see it?"
"I didn't. I saw past it."

Strange. I've only ever been able to see past the eyes of living things. Never a carving. But when I looked at this one, I saw all of the pain of the Underworld and felt a pull towards it.

"Hey, hey don't go too far past it. It will be difficult for you to return."

Aidonus was pleading with me, but I wanted to go further. I went past the sadness and the pull. And I saw Eryx. There was a figure next to him, I can only assume it was Hades. I felt the pull towards Hades and when he turned I could see into his eyes. As if we made a connection. He was holding something to most likely punish Eryx. I willed him to put it down. He resisted and I willed him more. He finally put down the object and walked away. My willing has never been that strong before. Aidonus began shaking me to get me out of my trance.

"Thalia! Thalia!"

I began to focus on him again. I was pulled back through the Underworld and back to the sculpture and finally back to Aidonus. Worry filled his eyes as they became stormier. He was frantic.

"I'm okay, Aidonus. Really I am. I... I saw Hades. And Eryx."

"You were able to see that far into the Underworld?"

"Yes. I locked eyes with Hades in a sense and then I willed him to not punish Eryx then."

"You did what?"

"He was holding something to punish him. I wasn't able to see what it was but I could tell the intent behind the object past Hades' eyes. So I willed him to put it down."

"Thalia, do you know how difficult it is to use our abilities on a god, not to mention one of the lords of the land? It's never been done. We are unable to use our abilities on them unless you are affiliated with them and you use it for training."

"But you said I was affiliated with Athena. That's why I'm able to see past eyes."

"I'm not sure what this means. But I'm sure we can find out in the Underworld."

"Let's go then."

We began our descent into the Underworld. I don't remember how the entrance was opened but after our discussion, it was just open. We walked down a long staircase and at the end we were at the gates to the Underworld. I inhaled deeply and Aidonus instinctively grabbed my hand.

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