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I was in Pepa's room again. We were talking about the wedding of Julieta and Agustín. She told us which flowers she wants and which cake and who she will invite.
"That's so cool. I'd love to help.", I said.
"You can help me with the flowers and the list uf the guests.", she said. I nodded.

"So how was the talk with Bruno?", Pepa asked.
"Ehm it was good. He let me in and I asked him why we shouldn't see eachother anymore and he lied. Then I hugged him and whispered to him that I know the truth. And then he brought me to the door.", I said and started smiling on the thought of what I didn't mentioned.
"That's good. Will you tell our mother?", Julieta asked.
"I don't think so. Maybe she would say something to him again and I don't want that.", I said. They nodded. We got ready to sleep. We were still talking even though the light was out but after a while we got tired and fell asleep.

In the morning we got ready for the day and went downstairs for breakfast. We were sitting just like yesterday at dinner. Bruno was sitting across me. He smiled at me. I did too. We ate breakfast.
"So what are you doing today?", Alma asked.
"We don't know yet but we could go into the village.", Julieta said.
"Yes.", Pepa and I said.
"Do you want to come with us Bruno?", Pepa asked.
"Sure.", he said and looked at me.

After breakfast we went to the village. We walked around and found Agustín with his friend.
"Y/N, this is my boyfriend Félix.", she said and looked at the man.
"Hi, I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you.", I said.
"Nice to meet you too. I'm Félix.", he said and gave me his hand. I said hello to Agustín. We walked around and got to the shop again were Pepa bought her new dress and Julieta her new shoes. The butterfly necklace was still there. I looked at it. I wanted to buy it but I didn't had any money with me so I laid it back at its place. We walked outside. Bruno was still in the shop but was with us again a view minutes later.

We sat down next to the fountain.
"You and Bruno are such a cute couple.", Félix said.
"Ou we are not a couple.", I said and looked at Bruno and back at Félix.
"I'm so sorry about that. I thought- It doesn't matter. Forget it.", he said.
"It's fine.", Bruno said.

It was so awkward. We decided to walk around in the village again. Me and Bruno were in the back.
"Should we run into the forest?", Bruno asked me quietly.
"Yes please.", I said and took his hand. We ran away and got to our spot.

We laid down next to each other. We were cuddeling. My hands around his face and his on mine. We were so close to each other. We stared in each others eyes. I wrapped my legs around his waist while we were still laying on the ground. He looked at my lips and back into my eyes.
"I want your lips on mine.", he said in a seductive voice. I smiled and kissed him. Slowly but intencely. I moved my hips. His hands were on my waist pushing me against him. I got on top of him. I was still moving my hips slowly against his body. I knew it was turning him on. We stopped kissing to get some air. We started kissing again. He pushed me harder against his body. I started kissing his neck and started sucking on his skin. He moaned. I got back to his lips. He rolled me over and got on top of me. We kissed faster but still with passion.

We heard a noice. We stopped and looked around. He slowly got away from me. We looked around to see some rats watching us.
"You little naughty rats.", he said and laughed. I laughed too. He got back to me. We cuddled again.
"Y/N?", he said.
"Yes?", I asked.
"You know that we can't meet at night because my mother will find out. So these moments are the only chances we have to be together alone.", he said.
"I know.", I said.
"I wished she would just accept me for who I am and for who I want to be with.", he said.
I rolled over to face him.
"I accept you for who you are and that will never change. Okay? And maybe she will accept it one day. But until then we can't tell anyone.", I said.
"I know. So we have a secret relationship? That's hot.", he said. I chuckled. I gave him a kiss and stood up.

"We have to go back.", I said.
"Wait, I have something for you.", he said. He reached in his poncho and took out the butterfly necklace from the shop.
"I saw you looking at it and I wanted to give it to you.", he said.
"Thank you so much. You are so sweet.", I said and hugged him. I gave him a little kiss.
"Could you put it on for me?", I asked.
"Sure.", he said. I turned around and he putted on the necklace. I turned around with a big smile on my face.
"You look beautiful.", he said.
"Thank you.", I said and kissed him.

We got back to the village. We saw his sisters and their boyfriends and walked to them.
"Were have you been?", Pepa said smiling.
"Going for a walk.", Bruno said.
We were walking to their home. I had to take my things back home.

We walked to casita and she opened the doors. Alma was there waiting for us.
"How was your day?", she asked us.
"It was so fun.", Pepa said.
"We were going shopping and walking around.", Julieta said.
"That's fun. Y/N, Agustín and Félix. Do you want to stay for dinner?", she asked.
"Yes.", we said.

I got into Pepa's room with her and Julieta.
"Tell us what you really did?", Pepa said.
"What are you talking about? We were just walking around.", I said.
"Are you sure?", she asked while she was smiling.
"Yes. Why would I lie to you?", I said.
"Okay.", she said.

We got ready for dinner and walked downstairs. Félix was sitting next to Pepa and Agustín was sitting next to Julieta. Bruno was sitting across of me. We ate and after dinner I had to go home.
"Thank you for letting me stay for dinner.", I said.
"No problem. You're welcome here anytime.", Alma said. I said goodbye to the others. Bruno waited until everyone was away and walked to me. He closed the door so noone would see us. He kissed me.
"Goodbye Y/N.", he said.
"Goodbye Bruno.", I said and walked home.


Hi guys! I just wanted to tell you how grateful I am for what happend in the last days. I could have never imagined that so many people read my story and that so many people would comment. I just want to hug each and one of you. I love all of you<33
And I hope you liked this chapter and have a wunderful day/night<33

a long lost friend | Bruno Madrigal x reader (with smut)Where stories live. Discover now