030c - On a Date Part 3.

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(030c - On A Date Part 3)

(YouTube video of "The Spectre" By Alan Walker in the media above. Watch it when you get to Dawn and Sochima's dance on the field.)

This chapter is giving me so much mad vibes 😩. Our babies are going to have the time of their lives tonight and I can't wait for you guys to be part of it. Hold your hearts tight, because they might burst out of your chests from beating too fast 🥺.

Are we ready for Wonder Coast 🌚✨❤️

𝐃𝐀𝐖𝐍(Dawn Damipe Dayo)

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(Dawn Damipe Dayo)

Wonder Coast was exactly what it was called.

A Wonder.

When the bus we had taken from Coven City stopped right in front of Lekki Crown, we took another one inside, a special bus that was specifically made for anyone going to Wonder Coast. I could see, and feel the beauty of the place even before we got there. The road that led to Wonder Coast was just like a road that led the Heaven.

Though I wouldn't know the way the road that led to Heaven looked like, I've never been there. But with the way it was described in the Bible, I don't think I can describe this place any other way.

Tiled and concrete, lanterns lined up at either side of the road to illuminate the way for whoever had chosen to walk. Don't let me get started on the string and fairy lights that were used to decorate all the trees at the sides of the road. And that was just the road. Only the road.

(This is how the road part looks like)

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(This is how the road part looks like)

(This is how the road part looks like)

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