Chapter 2-Mr Ravensroar's Dungeon

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      The dungeon's lights were dim. Too dim to be honest and Thongar tried to walk down the stairway of the corridor as careful as he could be but he fell down once or twice. Mr Ravensroar tried to help him and got him back on his feet. Now he could see that there were more torches placed in line on the walls. Everything was made of stone, carefully carved stone as if all the Dwarves of the High Peak Mountain have come and worked for Mr Ravensroar's dungeon. At the end of the corridor there was a big archway with the same sigil young Thongar saw before. Mr Ravensroar walked beside him and said.

-Here, lad, this is the Thieve's Guild or at least the Guild of Chesterwall. I am it's leader.I am one of the Shadow masters.

-Shadow what???

-Shadow masters. It is the highest rank on the guild and I am one of them. In time you shall learn everything.Walk behind the archway if you may.

Thongar was hesitant but he boldly took a step behind the Archway. He looked back to Mr Ravevsnroar who said.

-Go on...

         Thongar moved forward some steps . Suddenly he thought he heard something or to be completely correct he felt something in the air above him. Then a light blinded him for a moment and after two seconds he found himself encircled by a group of people in black and purple cloaks and hoods. Each and everyone of them was holding a well sharpened Dagger pointing at him.The daggers the group held were almost similar to each other. Every Dagger had a long double-edged blade forged from grayish steel. The blade was fixed on a beautiful hilt sculpted in the shape of the Moon being penetrated by a dagger, the same as the sigil, inlayed with gold and platinum. A phrase in ancient runes was carved into the blades. The blade were in excellent shape.For sure those blades were not crafted by his master. Thongar was scared and tried to move back. He tried to scream for help but no voice could come out of him, but still as a blacksmith's apprentice he admired the excellent work on the Daggers.

-He.... Thongar tried to rumble something.

-Daggers down Asassins and get ready to meet the new member of our Guild or if at least he passes the trials and training. Mr Ravensroar ordered the group in the hoods and cloaks and they instantly with a synchronised move placed their Daggers in their hilts.

Thongar looked at him and said.

-New what??? I don't wanna... What???

-Now I think you believe me that there is actually a thieve's guild.

-Well I don't know.

One of the people in cloak and hood got in front

-Thongar, always you were sloppy, stubborn and not easy to convince. We are here we exist. We are the Daggers in The Moon.

-Daggers In the Moon. Everyone replied loudly in unison.

-So you you have met Adira. Mr Ravensroar realised.

-Adira what are you doing here ...Thongar said. You never told me that... We were supposed to meet later with the guys for a drink, what are you doing here?

-Elladan, said Adira to Mr Ravensroar, are you sure he is guild material? I know him for all my life, he is a good decent fellow but I don't think he is going to make it through the training, and then I will eventually have to kill him. He has already seen much.

-Kill me? What...??

-I am sure he will make through, Adira. As I was sure about you in when I met you the first days I got her. I

-You are in the thieve's guild for so many years?

-Of course I am Thongar. Where do you think I am going for so many hours every day.

-Thongar, Adira we can now adjourn to my office and discuss about the details.

-Yes Shadowmaster, Adira replied, the rest of you are dismissed for the day. She ordered the company she commanded.

      The three of them with Mr Ravensroar at the front returned to the Shadow Master's office.Thongar looked back for a second, the whole company disappeared in the Shadows. Something woke up inside him. His mind was thinking a million different things and ideas, and asked himself.

Was I ready for such a commitment?

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