9. Mates

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"All my life, I have never been touched by a man. I've remained clean and chaste" - Ava Goodchild


As soon as his voice boomed through the walls of the dark room, I trembled as I walked in.

Posing a submissive stance, I imitated confidence like I had seen most high rank ladies do around here.

"C-Can I turn on the lights, at least?"

I mumbled nervously, with the insides of my palms sweating.

"Very much, dear."

I heard a loud thud on the room's floor. Next, the switches came on. The room became lit immediately and he walked towards me, in an all-black outfit.

Sort of a coat at the back.

That made me see and examine his features. His long dark hair had grown a bit, since the ship. Eyes were still as dark and mysterious as ever.

It made my heart beat in various paces, as he made his way towards me.

"I never did get a chance to inspect your purity, Lady Ava."

He surprisingly said, using that title.

My eyes beheld a shocked expression that he would accord me, in this way.

"I-I assure you milord, there were no interactions with my chastity that day at the ship,"

I stated, with a confident expression. Even though, deep down, I was burning with intensity.

"I'm wanting to believe that, but I can't, milady..." he muttered.

"If there's anything this ferocious beast likes, it's virginal women all for him. One to breed his child and be his queen,"

"Do you think you can do that?" he asked.

"That depends on who's asking, the beast himself beneath...or the legendary King Caspian?"

I answered, with my hands firmly placed around my transparent robe.

It seemed like I was beginning to understand this creature, every moment.

"Who does your loyalty lie with, of us both?" he made his way towards me saying.

"Both of you, milord. I mean... aren't you of the same body?" I stated. "Moreover, there are still some mysteries in this castle, I'm willing to unravel"

I breathed out, almost heaving out of breath when he was an inch closer to me.

"Quite impressive, Lady Ava...But be careful, prying too hard might just lead to your detriment,"

He said, talking the sides of my elbows in his palms and rubbing softly. I closed my eyes at the amazing sensations I felt, with my lips slightly parted.

"Let's get down to business, shall we?"

He smirked, kissing my palms.


A small disgruntled voice, let out.

He stretched his hands for me to take, which I did as he led me towards his bed. While he faced me, I looked into his mysterious dark eyes, wondering who lied in there.

The King Caspian, or the beast.

Everything seemed unsettling, but after seeing what goes on here, I knew I had to do this somehow. Even if I was unsure of how these things were done.

"Spread your legs, little Ava." he suddenly spoke. "Open it and let me devour you."

I trembled at his tone of words used, with my hands clenched around my garment tightly.

A Baby For The BeastWhere stories live. Discover now