headcanons cause of writers block

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·Sun and Moon can talk back and forth to eachother inside of their head but whoever is fronting has to speak out loud
·they can activate eachothers voiceboxes to put the other on speaker if they need to make an announcement but only one voicebox can be active at a time
·Moon is capable of operating their body for short amounts of time while Sun is fronting but Sun cannot override Moon
·they are still aware of what is happening when they aren't fronting unless the other purposely shuts them out
·their plating is made from a type of semi-maliable plastic making them more soft and warm than other metal-plated animatronics without insulating them too much
·they have an automatic censorship system which blocks them from saying anything inappropriate by replacing the word or phrase with honking noises, of course Moon found the gaps in that system which are Damn, Tits, and Piss and he uses those words more often than he should

·his eyes used to be blue like In the poster but they used led screens which got fried from glitch moon's red eyes shining through them
·blindly trusts most people because he doesn't know any better
·he's so hyper because his meant to watch large groups of children which makes him seem overbearing if there's only a few

·much more of a parental figure than Sun
·likes to be refered to by parental nicknames with his favourite being "Momma Moon"
·does not trust human adults whatsoever because of the stories he's heard and his own personal experience
·would absolutely kidnap a child out of an abusive household without hesitation if he had anywhere to keep them
·has access to a built-in music box which plays the tunes to various lullabies
·acts tough but would legitimately be heartbroken if he found out that any of the kids don't like him

Glitch Moon
·completely separate from both Moon and Sun
·mindless killing machine doing its best Moon impression
·reuses a lot of assets from Moon's ai and memory to be more convincing
·speaks through both voiceboxes at the same time hence why it sounds like marbles in a garbage disposal

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