1. Meet You There

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The four of us were all getting ready for our first show of the Meet You There tour and the energy was exuberant. We are all so excited and have a strong feeling that this is going to be our best tour yet.

The album has shown how our music has grown lyrically and instrumentally, and we can hardly wait for the audience to see how much we've matured as a live band.

"Oh my God! Are you 5 Seconds of Summer?" A high pitched female voice echos through the room.

Ashton pauses the music and the four of us freeze, looking directly at the door assuming that a fan had found their way backstage and into our dressing room.

We turn our heads with genuine shock plastered on our faces at how to handle the situation, but once we see who it actually is we sigh breaths of relief.

"Okay dickheads, 5 minutes till show time lets' go!" Paige announces as she opens the door to our dressing room a little wider, fully stepping in now.

"Paige," Michael says breathing heavily. "You scared the shit out of me." He says clutching his heart that is no doubt beating just as fast as mine is.

Before Paige came in to remind us that we actually have a show to perform, the four of us were rocking out to bands like Blink-182, Green Day, and Nirvana to get us pumped up before we walked out on that stage. Being men in our early 20's, we got distracted and forgot to get fully dressed.

My shirt was tied around my head as a makeshift bandana, and my chest and stomach are on display for her to see, not that she hasn't seen it before, but still.

Not that Luke, Michael, and Ashton were any better. None of us looked stage ready whatsoever.

Luke was clad in his boxers and still wearing a sweatshirt from our merchandise, Michaels hair was a disheveled mess from head bopping, and Ashton had his drumsticks waved in the air like a lunatic.

"Yeah well, I knew that would be the only thing to get your attention over the Nirvana you had playing." She shrugs holding on tightly to the camera that hangs around her neck.

"You heard that?" Luke asks ashamed.

"Lu, everyone standing in line could hear it." She says but I can tell she's being sarcastic. Luke however, believes her. "Now everyones gonna think my favorite Nirvana song is 'Smells Like Teen Spirit." He says embarrassed.

"Luke, Mate she's being sarcastic." I say to my best friend that probably just rethought all of his life choices.

"Oh, yeah I knew that." He says brushing it off and returning to the mirror to continue brushing his curls.

Michael, Ashton, and I look directly at Paige mentally preparing ourselves to be scolded by her, "Don't think that I'm letting any of you off the hook. You're supposed to be on stage in five minutes and none of you are ready."

"We're sorry Paige, we just got excited and pregamed a little too hard." Ashton apologizes for us.

"It's alright," She says giving us all a small smile. "I'm not mad, I just want you guys to be on top of it always so that you can perform your best out there."

Within the past seven years that we've known Paige, she has always been this way. From the moment she became comfortable around us, she's always been more of a tour manager than our actual manager.

Paige serves as our photographer, hairstylist, clothes designer, first listener of all new songs, and always gets the final say of our set lists. This is all voluntary and it comes naturally from the good of her heart.

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