Chapter 10

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Jura Tempest Federation, a nation built by a slime where monsters live in harmony regardless of what race they are. Although there seem to be a unique individual, a human how also live among them.

Y/N and Rimuru are seen at the entrance of the city. They are seem to be leaving the town and the group of monsters are sending them off.

Mei: Y/N-sama are you sure you don't need any of us to accompany you?

Y/N: Yes.

Shuna: Rimuru-sama please take care in your journey.

Rimuru: I'll be fine Shuna.

Shiraori: Bring me some souvenirs!

Y/N: Yea, I got that. Regina anything you want me to get for you?

Regina: No, Y/N-sama, please take care of yourself.

As the monsters bid farewell, Y/N and Rimuru walked out of town.

Y/N: So where are you going?

Rimuru: Ingrassia, you?

Y/N: Holy Empire Ruberious

Rimuru whips his head toward Y/N with a shocked expression.

Rimuru: Y-You aren't picking a fight with them are you?

Y/N: Depend on how they treat me....

Rimuru: You should really think twice, what are you doing there anyways?

Y/N: I'm just going to visit an acquaintance of mine.

Rimuru: Alright just don't do anything I wouldn't do.

Y/N: I'll try not to.

Rimuru: That's reassuring (-_-;) Ranga!

The Star Tempest Wolf jumps out of Rimuru's shadow and lands beside him. He got on Ranga and looks over to Y/N who had an amused expression.

Y/N: Let's race to Bulmund first then we can part ways.

Rimuru: Sure but are you gonna run?

Y/N simply shakes his head and chuckled at his dear friend.

Y/N: Kaizel.

A large wyvern appear below Y/N and when it was fully formed he was on its back.

Y/N: When I mean race I mean it.

Rimuru: (・_・;)

And so the two race run toward Kingdom of Bulmund. Of course once they reach there, Y/N had to recall his wyvern as he didn't want the people to see them.

Y/N: This is where we part ways.

Rimuru: Yeah, stay safe Y/N!

Y/N: You too! Don't let an innocent orther worlder fool you with his act!

Rimuru: That's..... oddly specific but alright.

Y/N continue his journey toward the Holy Empire. He has heard of them, only one thing come up to his mind about them. Tactical Church. They despise monsters with every fiber of their body.

Y/N: I hope nobody notice my shadow and necromancer abilities.

The sun started to set when he arrive there. Of course he had to go through the procedure to get inside. He was sweating bullets as the guard cast a holy circle below him but he was able to go inside with no problem.

Y/N: That was nerve wrecking, hey at least I made it!

As he walked around and try to find a shop to sell his mana crystal. He notice that there were multiple holy barrier and a defense system for dragons.

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