Tragedy Followed

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Five years has gone by, and you could say that I was one of the best samurai there is in Inazuma. I became quite the popular figure in Inazuma due to mostly the fact that I was able to master swords skills and martial arts in just a short amount of time.

Unfortunately, It seems my popularity might have backfired on me quite a bit. One day, The general of the shogunate army, appeared at our door with a few troops. Demanding my parents to hand over me to them. Without even giving us an explanation, my parents refused. Things quickly escalated and before I knew it, there was a full on fight. Swords clashing, the smell of blood was apparent, mostly from the army.

If I let this continue, my clan's reputation will at stake. Not mention their lives as well. Doing what I should have done before, I quickly agreed to follow the army. It hurts to disobey my family's advice to stay with them but I had to for their well-being.

"Y/n! Get back here, don't go with them!" My father demanded.

"Yes! Listen to your father, Y/n." My mom agreed.

"Don't go! If they aren't willing to tell us then it definitely something bad!"
My brother exclaimed.

"It is an order from the Shogunate! Her orders are absolute, you must not disobey the shogun's demands. Or else, you and your clan will be wiped out if this carries on." The general warned.

"Oh shut up, how do you expect us to comply with you when you didn't even give us an explanation?!" My sister yelled at them.

"Everyone please just shut the hell up for two minutes!" I screamed, this whole charade is driving me crazy.

I walk up to my family, trying to convince them that I will be just fine, that perhaps that the shogun's army doesn't have any bad intentions.

"Dad, Mom, Sis and bro. I promised I will be just fine, I will go with them, settle everything they asked for and before you know it I will be back here with you all. Don't forget I can take care of myself! I am one of the best samurai to date after all! So if they try anything, I will beat them to a pulp! "I joked around hoping to calm their nerves down.

"I will be alright, I swore on the sakura mochi I just bought earlier today." Although, I sounded confident, I was just as worried as they are.

"*sigh* Of course it's about food again. Alright then, but you better keep your promise okay?" S/n said sternly.

" Yeah yeah I will. Don't be such a worry wart. " I reassured.

With that my family and I waved goodbye, and I leave with the army, looking back at them one last time. I saw a flicker of the whole place in ruins, and my family, all dead. Their bodies twisted and broken.

" Hey! Move it! " One if the soldiers push you to hurry up.

I smile back at them,
not knowing that was the last time I will see them alive.

The atmosphere was intimidating to say the least, all I could heard was clanging of armor and the sound of marching. Everytime I lack behind a bit, a soldier will nugde me forward. Strictly telling me hurry up, it was like they are treating me like a criminal.

After walking up millions of steps for what felt like eternity, I was led to teshukaku. Where the Almighty shogun laid, the general kick the back of my legs, forcing down to a kneeling position. She also proceeded to tie my hands, rendering them useless. The shogun's glare was enough to make me feel like my entire existence was a mistake. I felt my hand tremble with fear, as I was sweating bullets. I tried to pinch myself, hoping to wake up of this nightmare. Unfortunately, it wasn't a dream.

"Almighty Shogun, I've have brought the perpetrator."

"Well done, now excuse us. Make sure to not let anyone in." The Shogun commanded.

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