Chapter 5

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"How do you feel like meeting with the rest?"

I purse my lips as I arch my brow at her, my unimpressed is not giving off enough indication that I have no intention to play friendly with them just yet - I need all the mental preparation I can muster to make sure that it doesn't become unbearable.

"Not today," I state, lifting my gaze back to my front, "Chances are they don't want to see me either and this is your way of creating a spontaneous entrance hoping that they take it as a good thing and not as an omen."

She pats my back, "So negative."

I snort, "Yeah sorry, I will do the effort to do that much but I don't think I can face them right now without saying something I shouldn't. Besides, the band's pr and image were a lot more important than what happened."

"(Y/N) they were just as confused... it didn't help when you did what you did. We saw her leave this world and you were well on your way to putting yourself into the same grave."

"Guilt-tripping me now are we?"

She gives me a confused stare, "Excuse me?"

Then nudging against her with my elbow, "I am just messing with you," then with a smile, "I know what I did, doesn't mean I am proud of it and doesn't mean I have any justification. At that moment I just needed it to stop hurting."

"And in the end, it just killed you anyway."

Then looking at her, "It would have been kinder if it did end up killing me," then rubbing my nose, "Now am a recovering addict with a trashed legacy, forever known as an abusive and controlling man with very violent tendencies."

She scoots closer, "It wasn't fair."

"What wasn't?"

"You lost her, and then the world turned their back on you. Even when the few of us tried to be there for you... it was never going to be enough," she then chuckles, "I am just happy that my fake brother is still alive and here, right beside me."

I nod, "I have been tested and even when suicide felt like the only option... my ship is still sailing... even if the wood is rotten," then throwing my arm around her shoulder, "But here I am."

She nods, then asks, "Did you hear anything about them?"


"You know who I am talking about."

I purse my lips, "They did try to make contact, but I didn't make the time. More like I couldn't make the time - I was stuck in rehab and I think that kind of burned a bridge with the four of them."

"They won't forget you that easily - they were-"

I stop her, "I met Ahri today."

She smiles, "So you did meet one of them. Luckily for you, that girl can read through people and I don't think she ever bought a single thing that was said... none of them did and despite trying to come up in your defense..."

"I made it worse," I sigh, "If I weren't spiraling into that dark place already maybe I could have saved myself and with their help not ended up the way I did. But things just don't always work out."

She nods, then says in a brittle tone, "I miss her."

"I wish I could see her one more time," then looking down at her as she gives me a pained expression, "To say goodbye, maybe even have her scold me for allowing myself to reach that all-time low," then with a shaky breath, stopping the tears from welling in my eyes, "I moved on... but God I still miss her."

Then rubbing my eyes I stop her before she could say anything, "Anyway, we should stop talking about her unless you want me to start unearthing years of pain."

She nods, "Want to roam around a bit? You can go home after if you want?"

I nod, "Just a little bit. I'll stay with you for the day then I will leave you to it, alright? Promise to stick around for the performance on the last day."

"Any way I can convince you to make a surprise appearance on the stage?"

I purse my lips, "Are we even allowed to do that much?" then lifting my shoulders, "I haven't sung in ages, haven't touched a guitar, and haven't practiced at all."

She then pulls my arm, "You are a savant!"

"Even pros can lose their edge," I chuckle, "I'll think about it, but that doesn't mean I will be joining the band again. Just to make that clear, alright?"

"It's a promise then."

Ignoring her obvious trickery into getting me to commit to it. My problem is... do they really want me to make an appearance for old time's sake? It is probably best that I set my sights on something else. 

Music is dead to me. It has been for a long time. Maybe one day I can get back at it again.

"You mentioned meeting Ahri..."

I look at her with pursed lips, "Yes... I did."

Then with a smirk, "I guess out of the four the best one to meet first - considering you two have quite the history with being almost thicker friends than me and you ever were."

I roll my eyes, "Jealousy?" then with a chuckle, "You are my sister so that kind of ranks you a little above her."

"Obviously! I wasn't ever going to suggest that you would ever pick her above me," then with a deadpan expression, "Then again you don't have a thing for sisters. What do they call it?"


"I..." she looks taken aback, "Sister complex you horny bastard."

"How am I supposed to read what goes on in that head of yours," I nudge my elbow into her side, "Besides even if I ever had a crush on you - you'd end up laughing it off."

"Well that is only because I care for you," she says with a wide smile, "You don't have a secret crush on me right?"

"Go on - at this pace, you will be roaming this festival alone."

"Just making sure," digging her hands into the pockets of her skinny jeans, "But on a serious note," her face serious, "Don't get yourself involved in something that will just end up hurting both of you. I remember that you liked Ahri as well back then."

I then state, "It'll be quite hard to top the past years but we are both adults."

"I know that is why I worry," she snickers, "Come on, let's enjoy ourselves."

"Lilly," I state with an endearing smile, "You were always there and I have known you since we both ate mud together. Nothing can take that or replace what we have."

She giggles, "Yup! Just make sure you stay for a while... it would suck to see you go so soon."

I don't ask or try to understand the meaning behind her words. It can be quite obvious what she meant but... I think for a lot of people it was like I died already and somehow resurrected. Here I am with what I can only describe as a second chance and that is all I need.

I won't let them break me.

Blood Feud - K/DA Ahri x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now