Chapter 1

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"Laura!" my mom shouted. I sighed and slipped out of bed. I trudged down the stairs and went to find my mom. "You have been accepted to go to Hogwarts!" my mom informed me. I snatched the letter and opened it. Excitement built up as I studied it. "Go get dressed, we need to get your supplies" my mom instructed. "I'm getting my first wand?" I gasped. My mom winked and smiled. I always loved to steal my big brother's wand and attempt to use it. But it typically ended with something getting broken. My brother, Carl, came running into the room, gasping for air. He was a Hufflepuff and in his 3rd year at Hogwarts. Our family mail owl was in his arms. "I think he's dead!" Carl screeched. Carl was known for overreacting over anything. "He's not dead you idiot," I huffed, rolling my eyes, "he just flew into the window and passed out again." "Stop bickering and put the poor thing on the sofa!" my mom scolded. She wrapped him in a yellow towel and placed him on a sofa. "I'm going to go get ready!" I shouted, sprinting up the stairs. I slipped my nightgown off, and threw some clothes in a suitcase, and got dressed. I ran downstairs with my suitcase as fast as I could. But my foot got caught under the suitcase and I fell down the last few stairs. "Oh, for Merlin's sake Laura." my mom huffed. I was not harmed but a bit shocked. I got up and grabbed the Floo Powder on the mantel by the fireplace. My mom murmured a fire charm, and a small ball of fire shot from the tip of her wand and lit a fire. "Remember to speak clearly!" My mom reminded me. I took some of the powder and stood in the fire. "Diagon Ally!" I hollered, tossing the green powder into the fire. Green fire swirled around me, and I appeared in Diagon Ally. Mom and Carl followed shortly.

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