Chapter { 2 }: family

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In case you don't remember all the characters I'll try to write who they are at least in the first chapters.


Riccardo (dad):

"THEN FIND OUT WHO ATTACKED US", I yelled at the people who work for me, these worthless men just got attacked and a really big amount of our weapon shipment got damaged, it's not like it's makes any difference for me, I can buy them again, it's just that these men keep slacking in their job, I mean what am I even paying them for, also there's someone attacking us, and that's what made me angry, I mean anyone can and want to defeat us, after all my mafia is the most powerful one, the italian mafia, and it will never go down.

I let my thoughts wonder, signing some paperwork for my right hand, aka my brother salvatore to pick them up, when my phone started ringing, an unknown number showed on my screen.

Thinking that it's one of my men, I picked up.

"Hello", I said.

"Hi, I'm looking for Mr. Riccardo Abeli?".

"Yes, that's me, who are you?", I asked, my voice filled with confusion.

"I'm officer Wilson, calling from New York, I called to inform you that your daughter Mirabella Viola's foster parents who raised her unfortunately passed away, and we made a DNA test, and it's confirmed that she is indeed your daughter, would you like to take her in?, if no we will have to put her in a foster system". Said the officer.

It can't be, my bambina is alive, my little baby is coming home, we have looked for her everyday since she was taken, even after the death of my wife, her brothers never gave up on finding her, but to no avail, we always came back empty handed, and now she's coming back.

"Hello? Mr. Abeli, are you there?", said the officer stoping my train if thoughts.

"Yes, yes, I'm here, I'll take her in, I'll be flying to New York in a few".

"Alright then, it's settled, we'll get the paperwork ready".

"Thank you, and goodbye".

Omg, I have to tell her brothers, they'll be so happy about these news.

I got out of my office, and went all the way to the first floor, and called out for my sons.


I heard the thundering footsteps of my sons coming from upstairs.

Soon all of my sons were in front of me.
"Come I have some important news to tell you".

"Who cares", mumbled my third eldest Lorenzo, but I heard it.
And he lowered his head after I gave him a look.

We entered the living room and sat.

"So as I said, i have some important news to share with you".

They all looked at me waiting.

"I got a call a few minutes ago, telling me that our little princess is coming home". I continued.

By the time these words came out of my mouth, all pair of eyes turned my way with so many emotions in them, even lorenzo.

My eldest Gianni was just looking at nothing wide eyed, "oh my god", he breathed.

My second eldest Luca, was full on crying, without a care, he has always been the most caring.

My third eldest Lorenzo was looking as shocked as the others, even though he will not show it, but he misses her as much, even though he was only 2to when she was taken.

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