Chapter 08 | Reveal

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I watched the condensation pool around the bottom of my cup as I waited for MJ to come back from the bathroom. We were at a nice little smoothie bar near Delmar's Deli. The thought of Delmar's reminded me of Peter, and I fell back into the loop of thinking about him. Thinking about his eyes, his hair... just him.

But I shouldn't be. I had a soulmate, for crying out loud. A soulmate I still hadn't told about the bond between us. It wasn't that I was scared or anything. It's just that there hadn't been a right moment yet.

MJ came back from the bathroom and we finished our drinks before walking around the city. It was nice walking with MJ, because we both got some exercise in and we got to hang out together. The only problem was the New Yorkers who didn't like to get out of the way. That's why we took a back alley.

"So, how's your soulmate situation going?" MJ asked.

I shrugged and looked away from her.

"It's complicated," I muttered.

MJ grabbed my arm and stopped walking, pulling me to a stop beside her. I gave her a confused look while her eyes were wide.

"You've met your soulmate?" MJ asked incredulously.

I blinked. I completely forgot that I hadn't told MJ. I wasn't sure if I even wanted to tell her - that would cause me to have to reveal how I knew him, and I wasn't sure if MJ knowing about my superhero identity would be a good thing. I mean, the more people who knew, the worse it would be. What if someone came after MJ because of me? Or Peter or Ned? I knew that if they tried to come after my siblings, the attackers would be completely obliterated, the same with the rest of the Avengers.

"I - uh..."

Luckily (or unluckily, depending on how you look at it), six men entered the alley, three on each side. They wore all black clothing and were walking menacingly towards us. Maybe I was just being paranoid, but I lived with the Avengers. It might be serious.

"If anything happens, you need to run," I said quietly to MJ.

"What the hell does that mean?" she whispered back.

Before I could respond, one of the men pulled out a gun and shot at us. I sent a wave of air back, stopping the bullet. Only, it wasn't a bullet, but a tranquilizer dart. This was a kidnapping.

I was such a main character.

The men to my left got closer, so I sent a wave of purple electricity at them. It hit them and they started spasming as they fell to the floor. The other three men came running at me, so I started to attack. I swiped one of their legs out from under them and kicked another in the jaw. I shot a bolt of electricity at the last one and turned back to where MJ was standing frozen in fear.

"I thought I told you to run," I said.

MJ opened her mouth to reply when suddenly an arm wrapped around my neck, pressing against my windpipe and choking me. I elbowed the person in the gut and they let go with a puff of breath. I kneed them and then used Natasha's thigh-grip-of-death move to disable him.

"MJ, we should probably go," I said, ushering her out of the alley.

"You're Storm," MJ said.

My lips thinned and I nodded. There was no point in lying to her.

"Yeah," I said. "The Avengers don't know though, so could we keep that on the down-low, please?"

MJ furrowed her eyebrows.

"Why don't the Avengers know?" she asked.

I sighed and rubbed my arms before explaining the difficulty of overprotective siblings. MJ nodded along and gave me a small smile afterwards.

"Y'know, I think you should tell them," MJ said. "It would be better hearing from you than figuring it out."

I nodded more to myself than to her, but she took it as a cue to drop the subject.

I really didn't like lying to the Avengers, or my siblings. But I knew that if I told them, I'd get in serious trouble, and they'd stop me from protecting the city. Spiderman could probably handle it without me, but I didn't want to stop. It was fun protecting the city.

I just wished my siblings could see it the same way.

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