"What about me?"

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"106 years old male, got a cut in his arm and complained its swelling."

"I swear to God, if you call me by that one more time."

Bruce walked over to the man as he grabbed his charts and eyed him carefully.

"Are you alright? What's going on?"

"Oh, the name is Bucky."

"On the charts, it says-"

"Did I fuckin' stutter, bitch?" Bucky glared at the woman.

"My name is Bucky. Not James. Ignore the damn charts; it's wrong."

"Also, sorry for you callin' a bitch, I don't like my first name." He apologized to the nurse, who chuckled softly but accepted it with a smile.

"I really do appreciate women!" He called out to her while she laughed but left the room.

"Woman empowerment! Woah!" He cheered, making the other people in the hospital look at him weirdly.

"You alright there, J-"

"I swear to the Lord Almighty if you call me James, I will get out of this bed and kick your ass." Bucky clarified.

"And you don't want your sick patient gettin' outta bed. Imagine if I slipped and somethin' bad happened to me? I could sue you."

Bruce chuckled softly as he nodded his head and laid him back down on the bed, "alright. Bucky."

"That's better." Bucky hummed.

"What seems to be the problem?"

"Well, the damn charts don't do any good if ya have ta ask me that." Bucky scoffed.

"I can read the charts, but I need to ask the patient on anything left out that would be more personal," Bruce assured with a chuckle.

"Well, I was workin' on my bike when I noticed that I got a cut," Bucky started.

"I just figured it was a cut, nothin' else cause everyone gets a cut." He scoffed as he waved it off.

"But then, it started to hurt, and I put a band-aid on it, but that did nothin'." He waved.

"So, I went to the med-emerge, and they did some kinda test on me, but nothin' happened. They just told me to come home and wait a couple of days."

"So, I decided to come here cause this hurts like a son-of-a-bitch." He groaned as he pointed to his left arm.

"You mind if I check on it for you?" Bruce looked at him intently.

"Please. At least you check on it. The damn med-emerge just glanced, then sent me on my way." Bucky scoffed as the man kept touching his arm to do the check-up.

"You do know that we're all doctors, right?" Bruce gave him a look as he helped him.

"So you hate doctors, you hate all of us."

"I don't hate doctors." Bucky scoffed.

"I hate ones who claim they are doctors but don't do anythin' to help."

"Well, right now, as we speak, every time that I touch one part of your arm, you tense and flinch, which isn't a good sign. I want to keep you here for a couple of days so I can look over the arm to make sure you don't have an infection or anything after getting that cut."

"What happens if I do?"

"Then we'll have to cut your arm off and give you another one."

Bruce looked at him and gave him a serious but sad look while the man sighed.

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