Chapter 79

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Chapter 79

The garden has changed a lot since Pranee was last here. Even though much hasn't changed visually, there was an air of discomfort. The only difference in the garden was that there was a giant banana tree in the middle of the flowers. It wasn't aligned with the rest of the trees but it stuck out and was unsightly. Multiple coloured cloths were wrapped around it indicating that the eerie atmosphere was caused by the unusual tree.

Tanet had been right about this area. It was easier to enter the grounds than expected but she didn't think it was because Ritthirong had forgotten.

She didn't know whether it was her vision or it was the wind, but she swore she saw the tree bend.

"This isn't good," Shashi whispered. "It's—"

"A spirit." Pranee finished their sentence.

"Did the king place a spirit to guard this area?" Anuman asked.

"No, he's too focused on image to do that. The people of Isla are too superstitious too," Tanet said.

"Then why is it here?" Anuman pointed his staff at the tree.

Pranee felt herself speak. "It chose to be there."

The group didn't seem to question how she knew but she slowly approached the tree. It was calling for her.

She took a few steps forward towards it and didn't notice the others watching her cautiously.

"Pranee," Shashi said.

She ignored it in favour of the tree.

There was something familiar about it. Something strange yet she felt like she had seen it before.

She was about to touch the tree before she felt a hand tug her back.

"What are you doing?" Tanet asked. "It's obviously dangerous."

"I'm just following my instincts," Pranee said.

Tanet's hand dropped to his side. "Well, they suck."

"It doesn't seem very dangerous so far," Shashi said as they eyed the tree. "Maybe it's dormant. We should just go inside and focus on the wedding."

"Sounds good to me." Kiet shrugged his shoulders and stretched his arms over his head.

He began to walk past the tree but his foot hit a root. He stumbled but managed to catch himself and tried to move forward. Kiet fell to the ground and was being dragged towards the tree by his prosthetic.

"Kiet!" Shashi's staff flew out of their bag and they hopped onto their staff.

Kiet tried to grab at the grass to keep him away from the spirit but all it did was leave streaks in the ground.

The tree began to sway in front of Shashi, blocked their path to Kiet and they let out a screech of frustration. They kicked their staff into the air and a pulse of fire licked the tree's leaves. They landed on the staff and did the same movement over and over again, changing their position around the tree with every attack.

Pranee ran to Kiet immediately and grabbed the root that was dragging him. Tanet followed Pranee's lead and Anuman was about to follow Shashi's but a banana leaf extended out and grabbed him.

"You have to be kidding me!" Shashi yelled and changed the direction of their flight.

Pranee clawed at the root that clung to Kiet's leg and Tanet did the same but the root regenerated faster than it was torn.

"We need something to cut it!" Tanet yelled. He unsheathed the knife from his pocket and attempted to stab the root but with constant movement, he only successfully stabbed the ground.

Pranee eyed Kiet's leg before she called out to him. "Kiet, we have to remove your leg!"

"This is my only leg! I don't have any spares!" Kiet yelled back. He fumbled for his staff but he wasn't having much luck.

"It's either die or lose the leg!"

Kiet grunted and attempted to sit up while undoing his leg. Tanet continued to punch the root in an attempt to slow it down and Pranee had dug her heels into the ground.

The leg came off with an abrupt click and Kiet was sent tumbling backwards.

Pranee let go of the root and collapsed on the ground. Her hands were red and raw from gripping it too tight but she saw Tanet was still holding onto it, letting it drag him to the tree with his knife pointed at the tree.

Shashi still had flames erupting from the staff. The wind from their flight fanned the still lit flames on the tree in an attempt to burn more of it. Anuman had his staff in hand and did a sweeping motion in the tree's direction, cutting him loose from its grasp. He fell towards the ground but Shashi had managed to catch him in the nick of time.

"We need to get out of here!" Shashi yelled. "We can't waste time fighting this thing. We need to confront the king today!"

"Confront for what reason?"

The deep voice made the four of them turn around and four hooded figures watched them. Pranee felt her heart drop at the sight and her head became filled with panic.

It was the four high wizards that served the king.

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