2. Passing by

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"Jungkook, Jungkook watch out! The blue eyes!"

Deiji snaps her eyes open, panting and sweating. She caresses her belly and sits up. Panic attacks her the moment she remembers the last thing before passing out.

"Are you alone?"

She whips her head towards the source of the sound so fast that the silence around them captures her stiff neck cracking. "How many months?" he emerges from the dark. The sensor lights flick on as he moves. "Nine months," she answers his second question. "I asked you two questions," he says, handing her a cup of dark and warm liquid. "I'm the only one here other than you," she darts her eye towards the cup but doesn't take it. "It's herbal tea. Soothes your back," he says. She takes it and looks at him. "You were complaining about your back in the sleep," he pulls a stool and sits on it. She takes a sip and holds back her urge to throw up.

It was dead bitter.

"Out of honey, sorry," he says. She nods and chugs the rest of it in silence.

"Are you the only one here?" she asks, placing the cup on the kitchen counter.

"Yeah, the whole squad left. I said I would stay until the food runs out and make sure people reach the next base camp safely."

"How many people did you help?"

He looks down at his hands and lets out a side smile. "You are the first one. No one made it here."

"Deiji, My name is Deiji. Don't worry, I'm only passing by. I'll leave tomorrow," she says. "Me too," he says. "I'm leaving tomorrow. No more food left."   

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