Chapter 14

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Perrie's POV:

I don't think I've ever been this drunk in my entire life. It's a Friday night, well, actually, a Saturday morning, and Claud and I have been partying like there's no tomorrow.

Of course, now that I'm drunk out of my mind, all I can think about is Jade. She's so fucking gorgeous and sexy. It should really be illegal.

And then there's the way she treats me, so full of love and always caring. All I want to do right now is go over to her dorm and wrap myself in her arms.

"Hey, that's a great idea," I whisper to myself and make my way outside. It's May, so it's pretty warm outside, not that I would've noticed it if it were freezing.

Without thinking more about my plan, I start stumbling towards Jade's block. I have no clue what time it actually is, but I don't really care right now. All I care about is Jade holding me close.

When I arrive at her door, I storm inside without even knocking. I guess that Jade will be sleeping anyway and I can just cuddle up beside her without waking her up.

God, was I wrong.

All the lights are on in the room and Jade is sitting at her desk working on something. At the sound of me stumbling inside, she turns around and gives me a very confused look.

"Perrie? What are you doing here at four o'clock?" I stumble a little more towards her and she quickly stands up to catch me in her arms before I really fall. "What are you doing up?"

"I told you before I was a bad sleeper." I roll my eyes at her, but that just causes the room to spin even more than it already is. "That's not being a bad sleeper. That's insleepia!"

The brunette chuckles slightly while leading me over to her bed. "Do you mean insomnia?" I nod my head enthusiastically while poking her chest. "Yes!"

"Why don't you try and get some sleep. I'm sure it will only take you five seconds to actually fall asleep." I shake my head at the brunette, but still let my head rest on her pillow.

"No, I wanna stay awake with youu." My eyes close nonetheless and seconds later, I'm out.


The brunette softly wakes me up way too early for my liking. "Morning, babe. I need to leave now, but you can sleep a little bit more. I just wanted to let you know so you don't wake up to an empty room."

Jade leans down to place a soft kiss on the top of my head, but I wrap my arms around her neck and pull her down on top of me. "Can't I come with you? Or can't you stay here?"

"I don't think you want to come along. I'll be back around noon so just sleep some more." I nod my head and let go of the brown-eyed girl on top of me so she can leave. "What time is it now?"

"Almost eight." If I wasn't so tired, I would definitely be shocked at how early the brunette gets up on a Saturday, but I just turn around and doze off again.


This time when I wake up, it's because of the door closing rather loudly. My eyes shoot open and lock with the widened brown ones of Jade. "Oops, Sorry. The door slipped out of my hand." She says apologetically.

"No problem, I should probably get up anyways." I sit up in the bed and instantly regret my choices from last night. My stomach seems to do a full 180 and I groan loudly.

"Hangover?" The brunette asks amused. "You don't have to look so smug at having a hungover girl in your bed. I'm sure it's not the first time." I snark back, causing Jade to smile even wider at me.

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