6. Run!

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Deiji points her gun at the robot above. Her hand trembles as she tries to pull the trigger. If she pulls the trigger there is too much noise and that attracts many blue eyes and if she doesn't she has to involve in a close combat which is out of question in the state she is in.

She runs.

Hoseok isn't situated very far from her so it isn't hard to get there. The real problem is alerting him. "Hoseok! Blue eyes!" she yells when she is close enough. Hoseok turns around and pulls his boomerang out of his bag. "Deiji duck!" Deiji falls on the ground and the boomerang comes flying towards the robot.


The boomerang struck a tree. Hoseok darts his eyes in all directions. He whips his head from side to side to spot the robot. He signals Deiji to stay silent and walks to her and helps her up. They stay motionless for a few minutes before Hoseok speaks up. "Let's keep moving," he says. Deiji nods and walks towards her bag. She almost yells when she sees it. But her instincts kick in and she pulls her revolver. She pulls the trigger without thinking. The robot falls on the ground with a thud as the sound of bullet firing echoes in the woods.

"We need to run," Hoseok says. She looks at him with a horror filled face. "Deiji," he shakes her.

"Hoseok, what have I done?" she says as they can hear the distant sound of blue eyes running towards them. 

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