chapter twenty-nine

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* this is an explicit chapter so you have been warned ;)




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      "I WANT TO make a toast." Frypan spoke up as all of the Gladers sat in the benches curious of what he wanted to say. A few of them had already started eating but most decided to wait. Rosie glanced over at Newt who shrugged his shoulders not knowing what Frypan was going to say.

       The boy stood up taking a step up on the bench making himself taller. "I want us to dedicate this night to our leader and our first lady."

       Rosie's eyes widened as she had the attention of all of the boys. Ander grinning on the other side of the table trying to hold in his laughter knowing stuff like this made her nervous. Aidan had his hand over his boyfriend's mouth in case Ander would burst out laughing.

       "It felt like years passed but these two finally got together." Frypan spoke, "and I know a lot of you guys are in relationships but I wanted to honor this one specifically. Newt is one of my best friends and so is Rosie. These two are like a match made in Heaven. Everyone knows they are meant for one another."

Rosie's eyes glanced over at one of the tables spotting Gally who had his head down with a disappointing look on his face. Vince next to him nudging to cheer him up a bit.

"Both of them have been through a lot. Rosie, everyone knows Newt's been through it but I think without your help he'd still be down. I believe that you bring out the best in him. Just like he does with you. So for the night, we honor Rosie and Newt getting together and love each other for eternity. Congratulations!"

The boys cheered causing her to shake her head in embarrassment. Newt laughed also knowing she'd get nervous over these type of things. The boy pulled her close to him pressing his lips on her cheek.

"Please, y'all act like we got married or something." Rosie spoke touching her face feeling the warmth of the blush that had colored her face.

Winston shrugged his shoulders, "seems like it for us. Now shut up and eat."

≪ °❈° ≫

     ROSIE helped clean up the plates after most gladers went off to relax or go straight to sleep. Newt had gone off to check up on Alby and only the rest of the cooks were left to clean up.

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