Episode 5: Mac And Cheese

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The scene showed Kate walking into her old apartment which had been burned due to the fire.

"Damn," Bucky grimaced, "that doesn't look good."

"Oh, my God," she gasped softly, turning on the light.

The sound of water trickling in the background. Kate breathed heavily as she saw the wreckage. She looked up and saw the open window.

Natasha frowned at the screen as Yelena concealed a smirk behind her hand.

The camera showed someone standing behind Kate. They spoke, "Kate Bishop."

"Shit-" Sam swore, jumping.

Bucky laughed uproariously.

Kate turned around quickly and threw a bottle of hot sauce at the intruder.

"Kate, hot sauce? Really?" Clint shook his head in disappointment.

Yelena caught the bottle and moved her hand, she smiled, "Hiiiii," she lifted a saucepan full of food, "I made macaroni if you want some."

Everyone laughed warmly as Kate looked at the screen nervously.

"Mac and cheese was your favourite as a child," Nat smiled at her sister.

"Still is," Yelena grinned.

Tony looked at the siblings carefully before speaking to the room, "hey can we have some mac and cheese... for the assassins in the corner?"

Tony grinned as the pasta appeared in front of the sisters.

"What?" Yelena beamed at the food, poking it with a fork.

"It's not poisoned," Nat assured her sister, "we've got a lot of food."

Yelena grinned widely and started to eat the food.

'Thank you,' Nat mouthed to Tony, who just waved his hand in response with a shrug.

"I’m sorry. What?" Kate exclaimed.

"Well, I was starving and you took forever. So I wanted to make food," she replied, simply.

"Sounds fair enough," T'Challa nodded.

"What do you want?" Kate stepped back as Yelena walked towards her.

"Relax, Kate Bishop. I just want to talk, okay?" She put the macaroni and hot sauce on the table.

"Did you just tell me to relax?" Kate exclaimed indignantly, "after you just threw me off a roof!"

Yelena shrugged with a smirk, chewing her pasta.

"Are you really not hungry?" Yelena questioned in disbelief, "That fight was so long," she pointed at the pan, "It’s really tasty. Really tasty."

Kate slowly looked over at Yelena sceptically.

Kate watched as Yelena walked towards her kitchen. She looked over at the mac and cheese, "I know what boxed mac and cheese tastes like. I know it’s… It’s delicious."

"So delicious," Yelena agreed, nodding her head.

"Uhhhh... Forks.... Forks. No!" Yelena turned around and looked at Kate, "You have one fork?"

"I’m one person," Kate replied.

"Kate-" Clint looked at the younger archer in disbelief, "seriously?"

"What?" Kate shrugged, not getting the problem.

"That’s so weird," Yelena shook her head in disappointment as she held up one metal fork and one plastic one, "Kate, this is not cutlery. This is not cutlery."

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