Part 1

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A loud noise blared from the television. A loud and colorful light poured out from the television as well. In front of the TV, was one Lakko Warner who stared into the screen as if a mere doll. Her eyes were unbl, dull, lifeless, soulless, basically dead from the inside. She didn't move or even breath. Her siblings walked into the room from their sleeping at night. They had been awoken by the light and noise. They slowly approached her as they yawned and stretched and rubbed their eyes. They were tired but they understood that she was fragile.

Yakko Warner gently touched her shoulder and spoke up gently, "Lakko, can you turn that down? We were trying to sleep." Lakko Warner didn't look at him but turned down the volume and light level. He thanked her, "Thanks Lakko." Wakko Warner looked at the TV and tested something he wasn't sure about, "Is... Is that Baloney The Dinosaur?" Dot Warner looked at the screen, realizing he was right so added on to that, "What are you doing watching Baloney of all things? I thought you were one of us, we all Hate that guy." Lakko shrugged vaguely and answered without much effort or thought to it, "I'm three and half. This show is made for me and not you..."

She continued on, "I'm not like you. I've been altered to be "normal" and "obedient" soooo." Dot sighed aloud, "Yeah Yeah Yeahhhhhh, I know. I remember. I should have thought of that. Please get some sleep, okay?"

Lakko admitted, "I'm actually sleeping with my eyes open right now and maintaining a semi conscious state to talk right now. I learned it after the sleep deprivation torture." Her siblings backed off a little bit in unsettled reaction. Wakko shaked in his voice a little as he gave an awkward chuckle, "Ha... Ha... Ummm, Lakko. That's not exactly what a three year old says. That's a little smarter? Than what most kids your age say. Most of the time it's go-go-ga-ga, ya know?"

She pointed out dully, "The standard of Normal to children is unrealistic. Adults often expect children to be more intelligent, do understand orders and follow them perfectly without ever teaching them how to. Plus, most children my age haven't been tortured to conform to that standard." They continued to back up in their discomfort and go to their bedroom. Yakko gave a quick and unsure, "Good Night Lakko." She didn't answer, instead just sitting there and continuing her waking sleep in front of the screen. They knew they shouldn't be scared of her since she wasn't some monster but it was still unsettling how destroyed she was on the inside.

They went to bed, more afraid for her than of her.

The next morning, The Warner Siblings awoke for another day. They stumbled across Lakko Warner, still watching Baloney The Dinosaur. They looked at her with unsure worry. Dot Warner went over to her and gently shaked her shoulder, "You okay? Have you been here all night?" Lakko immediately started panicking, falling on the floor and trying to claw the floor to get away while screaming in horror and pain. The pink skirt instantly took her gloved hand away in surprise. Then the green overalls stopped her outburst of fear and noted casually, "Oh, It's just you. I had another nightmare about before I met you. Is something wrong?"

Wakko Warner baffled in shock, "Geez, Lakko, you almost gave us a heart attack!" Yakko Warner held up his hands and attempted to keep things level, "We were worried about you. You were out here all night watching that show." The little girl stood up and stretched herself as she assured them, "I'm okay. I'm going to sleep with my eyes closed now, they kinda hurt." Then she turned off the television and went to her bed. They shared a concerned expression with each other but couldn't really do anything more.

Much later,

Lakko Warner adjusted the green bows on her ears and made sure the sunflowers kept to her bows. She looked into the mirror and smiled. She loved her bows, they looked like her sister's bow. Lakko left the room but paused in the doorway. The little girl in green overalls thought out loud to herself at random, "I would like to meet Baloney The Dinosaur. I like him and it might be nice... But I don't think he'd ever visit someone like me." Just then, suddenly and without warning Baloney The Dinosaur appeared as if magically. Baloney greeted her, "Hello there little girl, did someone wish me into being?"

She delighted in amazement, "Wow! My Godfather Mickey Mouse was right, wishes do come true!"

Dot passed by but stop in her tracks. She turned around immediately and shouted into the water tower, "WE GOTTA LEAVE, BALONEY IS HERE!" Wakko poked his head into the hallway, "What do you mean!? How he'd get here?!!" Dot pushed him to the exit and groaned, "I don't know, he's just here! Move before he notices us!!" Yakko opened the exit and dully huffed, "Okay, Everyone but Lakko out of the water tower. He'll leave on his own at some point but until then, we have to leave."

In the background, Lakko and Baloney were dancing and singing. Yakko sighed, "We're gonna have to call Doctor Scratchansniff." The door closed behind him and the youngest Warner sibling was allowed to freely be a three year old with someone who would treat her like a three year old. While her siblings would find it condescending, it was nice to not have to be a super genius to talk on the same level as someone else. To just be a child and a toddler for a while.

The End

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