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I am sorry.

You may not see this, nor will you be able to hear it but I just want to say I am sorry. The moment I met you back then was such an important part of my life, you changed me, turned me into who I am today. Sadly, the world we lived in back then is no more, and you.. you are no longer the person you were.

I stand before what was our home, this.. lab. This place was where we met, I was still a cold and heartless woman back then while you were a wimp, yes, a wimp who at first did not even want to take me in, arguing reasons of ethics and code of conducts. You were a fond follower of the ways of humanity and how others must be treated kindly and with respect, that was their right, a right you believed in.

I walked inside what remained of our laboratory. After centuries of wear and decay, It still bore the same appearance even if it was just a faint resemblance. I don't know if you even visited this place personally after you woke up, knowing that if you did, you'd remember, but you did not. You sent your Drones to this place not knowing what value it held for you. They scanned it, scrapped most of the structure for parts and barely readable data of old.

You were so immersed in your mission that you have forgotten what made you, you. I blame myself partly for what has happened to you, If I only knew that they would also reach us up there, I would've taken you somewhere else far.. far.. away..

There's no point in thinking of the past, we should move forward I know but I can't help but remember the peaceful days, the brighter years, the solemn nights. Remember when you brought your pet red carrot to me? What a beautiful parrot she was, she laughs in a weird way and then look at me menacingly, it was hilarious and scary at the same time, it was a shame she died along with the billions of others during the initial outbreak of the war.

The war...

I hate it.. I hate every bit of it!

We stood no chance the moment that thing escape! We should have kill it in the first place, no, wait, THEY! Are the responsible of its containment breach in the first place, we didn't know why the Beings that we were once worship do this to us and now look at what they unleashed!


Again, I hope one day you visit this place, even by chance, I hope you do.

I know you told me that I should not waste too much time back on Earth since you need me back at that wretched magical world, such bullshit, a fucking magical world where we can access it through a fucking wormhole that some small-brained humans opened by the use of magic or whatever it's called!

I have the same reaction when we discovered Planet: Sanctuary. Unfortunately, it was destroyed by them during the war.

You asked me what I was going to do here, I told you I was just going to retrieve more data.. yes.. I did not lie, I retrieved the data of prewar times but I just need to do something else before I could return. It is so that I may rest easy now instead of regretting what I could have done.

I went to your room on the highest floor, the walk was treacherous, a slight misstep and I risk plummeting to the bottom, not to my death since that would be silly. I asked my guards to wait outside and be on stand-by, at that time I just wanted to be alone.

I walked through the desolate halls and finally found your door, I gently opened it, dust fell onto my head as the door opened and I went through. Your office was a mess, dusty and nasty. I then remembered how organized you were. The drawers have been pulled open, I assume that you pulled them open in a panic during the attack here, you always told me about something, a 'peacekeeping' weapon you always say. A weapon that would end all wars and slingshot humanity to complete unity.

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